Part 5- Then

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Disclaimer: I do not own the charcters or the world, only their thoughts and words.


I continue to pack my scarce items. When I am finished, I look up to see if Christina has finished yet - she went to go grab her things a few minutes after our conversation - I want to leave here as quickly as I can. 

I look over at her and see that she is looking back at me. I nod my head towards the door. She nods and smiles a little. It's time to go. 

It's only as I am walking towards the door that I notice that Christina's aren't the only pair of eyes on me. 

I turn towards the stares to find Cara, Caleb and Zeke - who I hadn't even noticed had come in - staring at me, a knowing look in their eyes. I open my mouth to speak, but Zeke beats me to it. 

"You weren't thinking of leaving without us, were you?"

It takes me a couple of second to comprehend what they are saying; I hadn't expected it at all. I hadn't thought that they would want to return to a broken city, filled with broken memories. The only reason I am going back is to try to repair the memories; I don't think the ones here are capable of being mended. 

"I-well I-," I start but Cara cuts me off. 

"Because we are coming with you," she says matter-of-a-factly. "New city, isn't that what you told us? No more factions to dictate what we do and what we wear. I think I speak for all of us when I say that I can't wait to see this."

Caleb looks as if he wants to add something but I can tell he is scared of me. I avoid looking for too long, for fear of what will happen. 

"If you really want to," I say. "But you have to know that life will be in no way close to what it used to be like; here or there. It's going to take some work as well to rebuild the city, there won't be much of any life for a while."

"We know. We want to help. It's our city, no matter what we thought of it before," Zeke tells me. But I can also see the pleading in his eyes. He wants to get back to Shauna. 

I have nothing to say back to that, so I just nod. And it's settled. Cara mutters something about having to get back to Johanna and the Allegiant anyway. 

We give them a few minutes to gather their stuff before we head out. But before we can actually leave, there are a few goodbyes I have to give; a few things I have to say. 

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