Part 30 - Then

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Disclaimer: Still don't own anything. 


I quickly follow Christina down the path to the Pit, all the worst situations coming to the front of my mind. Who is here? What do they want? All I wanted was one night before I have to go on fighting again. Just one night to figure something - everything - out. 

Christina glances back at me once, obviously noticing my fretting. She smiles slightly before saying, "Oh calm down. It's nothing bad. Just Johanna Reyes. The Allegiant want our help. We're not going back to the factions, that much has already been decided. But we need a new plan for the city, some fair way to run it. Otherwise we're only going to have more problems. And Johanna wants our help with that, yours especially."

"Oh, okay," I say. I guess I should have known this was coming, but the fact that she wants our help in this is almost shocking. Despite everything I've been through, I'm still only eighteen, still a child. What do I know about governing a city? But I guess on the other hand, I know more than most people, having watched my father all through my childhood. I know what worked, and I know what didn't. Marcus used to talk all the time about the ebb and flow of the government, how things could change in the blink of an eye. How someone could say one thing and everyone's opinions changed just like that. 

"People are finicky that way," My father would say, "never knowing what exactly it is that they want. And that is why you have to guide them, show them what it is that they really want, what they really need." 

I always knew that that wasn't right, that people knew what they wanted, they just didn't know how to go about it. Thinking about it now, I realize how selfish that statement actually is. Manipulating people is clearly against Abnegation rules, but my father had a gift for making his selfish statements echo sound Abnegation teachings. 

I still have no idea how it is that I can help Johanna Reyes, but I know that I have an idea about what the government should be, a way to bring it back from what both my parents did to it. and that may just be enough. 

As soon as I reach the bottom of the path I can see Johanna, standing at the far end of the Pit, obviously in deep conversation Cara and Zeke. Hana is only a few feet away from them, talking to Shauna, Amar and George. I quickly walk over to Johanna, Christina walking only a few paces behind me. 

"Tobias," Johanna says as I reach them. Christina moves to stand by Cara, and shoots me a small smile. Johanna on the other hand has a very Amity-like grin on her face, and her eyes are alight, obviously happy about the prospect of starting anew. "How would you like to help us run this city?"

A/N: Hellooooo!!!! Sorry it's been so long, but I'm not very good with schedules. Hopefully once school starts I'll be better with weekly updates. Also, thank you so much for 7K reads!!!! That's insane!!! Seriously everytime the number goes up by even one it surprises me. I'm truly gratful for all of you. 

Well, that's all for now! DFTBA!

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