Part 7-Then

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or places, though I wish I did!


The first place I go is Nina's room. She was let out after the memory serum was released. I am alone now, as everyone had their own farewells to give. 

I nock on the door and it opens to reveal a frazzled Nina standing behind it. She still seems a little dazed from the evens of the past week. 

"Hey," I say a little awkwardly. 

"Hi," she answers, just as uncomfortably. 

I consider leaving, but she deserves a proper goodbye. What we did wasn't good, but we still did it. I still helped me. 

"I'm leaving," I blurt out. "Going back to the city. I just wanted to say goodbye."

She nods, but a puzzled look remains on her face. After a pause she speaks. 

"Why? I did nothing to help you. I never once did anything good for you. Because of me, so many people are dead. Gone. You trusted me and I lied to you. I got between you and her. She saw through me and I couldn't let her influence you, so I abused you even more. I don't know why you would ever want to say goodbye to someone like me."

She says all this with a pained look on her face. Her eyes start to fill, but no tears fall. I have no words. Everything she said was true, but she also helped me. She helped me when everything I thought that everything I had prided myself on-being good and being whole-was said to be wrong. 

"I'm not going to deny that," I say and I can see the look in her eyes that says she wasn't expecting metro say that, but she accepts it. "But when I was lost and wouldn't listen to anyone else-not even her-I listened to you. You saved me then. I owe you that. That is why I am here. To thank you for that. And you deserve a proper goodbye."

She looks at me in the eyes and I see so much their it's hard to decipher it all in the short time that I am staring into her blue iris'. Pain and longing and thankfulness and... Hope. Hope for what I don't have time to ask. She whispers an almost silent goodbye before closing the door. Leaving me standing there with the memory of her eyes still burned on the back of my eyelids. 

A/N: What do you think so far? Please comment and vote!

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