Part 8-Now

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the divergent world, though I wish I did!!


A small feeling of panic flourishes in my chest, but I suppress it. I am not afraid of him I tell myself. I can't be afraid of him.

I try to go back to what I was previously doing, but all the information seems to have been wiped from my mind.

He might not even come in here, my subconscious tries to tell me. But I know he will. He knows I am here, he want give up the chance to see me. To pretend that I am his loving son and he is my caring father. I don't have any want to play house with him.

I wonder when I started to have this subconscious that tried to comfort me. I never had that before; it was always just me to figure things out on my own. I know almost immediately after I pose the question to myself, that it is Tris. She would have helped me through this, but she can't do the job anymore, so I guess my mind made my subconscious do it for her. She's gone but I still find ways to bring her back.

"Tobias," the cold voice of my father says. I look up to see him standing in front of my desk, Johanna standing behind him, a apologetic look on her face. "I hear you've been doing well."

I mould my face into a placid look, and try to keep my voice from cracking as I answer.

"I've been okay," I say, looking him in the eye; I have to show him that I am not afraid.

"Well, you're a politician now," he says, gesturing to the offices around us. "Taking after your father."

I see Johanna's eyes widen when he says that; she knows that that is not a compliment for me, it's one of my greatest fears.

He was still there when I went into my fear landscape for the last time.

I resist the urge to scream at him. To tell him that I could never be like him. That I would never hurt someone the way he hurt me. Instead I utter five words, packed with as much malice as I can get into them.

"I am nothing like you."

He just nods, seeming to know that if he says another word he will set of a bomb inside me that is already ticking. He slowly backs out of the room, Johanna following him. She gives me one more look before turning and following him back to her office.

I sit back down, realization dawning on me. I stood up to him. But I wasn't cruel, I wasn't mean.

I'm proud of you, a voice in my head says. A voice that I have never heard in my mind before, but has always been there, waiting for me. Tris.

It's not my subconscious, I am sure of that. It feels so real, sounds just like her voice that last day we spoke.

"Tris?" I say out loud, not caring who might think I'm crazy. But the voice is gone. Whisked away on the wind. I've lost her again.

I return to whatever I had been doing before, but the memory of her voice still rings in my mind.

I'm proud of you.

Does she know I am proud of her as well? Did I ever tell her that?

That's why we worked, I realize. Because no matter hoe many times we fought or disagreed, we always had the upmost respect for the other. We were proud of each other; proud of what we were together.

A/N: Hello!! How do you guys like it so far??? Please leave feedback and vote!!!

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