Part 31-Now

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Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me but the words themselves.


"Now, Tobias, this has been going on for a while, before I even got to the city," my mother says as we walk down the street, our destination a mystery to me. "We've been planning this for over a year, but if you have any suggestions, please voice them. You are going to be a vital part of this new city, and I believe that your opinions should be heard."

Oh, I have many opinions, I think. But all  I say is, "who is we?"

"A few people I met in the Fringe, a few of my fellow ex-factionless, no one alarming," her voice is clipped, as if the sentences have peaks at the ends of them. "You'll have to forgive me for not giving you a lot of information right now, but in all seriousness Tobias I'm not entirely sure that I can trust you yet. Given how the last time we 'worked' together ended."

"I know," I say, "but I promise that that will not happen again. I want this," the words taste like bile in my mouth. In my head I am formulating the best way to stop this, trying to weed out the useful information in her words. What I should tell Zeke and the others when we meet tonight. I called them this morning, explaining what is going on. Johanna too, and Cara and Caleb. I think Christina is bringing Jordan too. We know we need to act soon. "When exactly is this happening?"

"Soon," she says, and I can see a gleam in her eyes. "Tomorrow night."

I am stunned into silence. I knew we would have to act fast, but I didn't know it would be that fast. And the ideal situation would be to run this into the ground before it even really happens. But that's less than 48 hours away, and I'm not sure that we can do that. It's like I can feel the hope dwindling out of my body, where my veins used to throb with fate and optimism is now just blood, and I feel heavy without it. Like it was the only thing holding me up, pushing me to take one more step.

We soon arrive at the old Factionless sector. I should have known this is where they would've been meeting. 

"Ah Evelyn, you're here," a voice says out of the darkness. It is deep and gravelly, as if rolling over stones. "We've just gained word from your dear husband, says he's re-thought your offer. Everything is in place." Evelyn simply stands there, as if waiting for the voice to say more. I, on the other hand, am itching to run forward into the shadows and see who this is. I do not like being blind in situations like this. "Oh, I see you've brought your son with you. Tobias, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, and a pleasure to have you working with us. I'm glad to know that you can see the true potential of this city." The man steps out of the shadows, almost like  ghost. He is skinny, but looks as if he was strong once, he has a big build. His skin is papery, and it looks as if it is ready to peel off at any second. He smiles when he sees us, and I look over to see my mother smiling as well. His teeth are all brown and rotten, and there are a few missing from the sides. Who is this?

"Oh forgive me," he says, extending his hand. "My name is Logan. Who is ready to change our lives?"

A/N: It's been so long since I've posted!! I'm so sorry, but I've been so busy with school and everything. Hopefully I'll figure it out and post more regularly. Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? Suggestions are always welcome!!!!

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