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It's been months. Long devastating months without my husband.

Every morning, waking up alone with back pains and headaches.

Being pregnant isn't the easiest thing in the world. I wish it was...

I remember waking up in the middle of the night sobbing and screaming.

I've had nightmares ever since Grayson had left.

The only person that I needed to calm me down, was Grayson.

I couldn't look to my right to find Grayson asleep, but avalible to wake up anytime.

He would wrap his arms around me, shower me with kisses, and whisper into my ear "I love you".

Now he couldn't. We're miles and miles apart.

I was now onto my eighth month of pregnancy. I haven't found out the sex yet.

In case you were wondering, Ethan hasn't done anything major to me. He's been very touchy and flirty, which I didn't like.

Grayson was now 18, and I couldn't even celebrate his big day with him. I could only write on paper and mail it to him.

I miss his lips, his voice, just his presence.

"Anna?" I hear from the hallway.

"What", I mumble.


I struggle to sit it up, but I manage to do so.

I waddle to the door and open it to see my smiling joyful mother waving a white envelope around.

I smile and snatch it from her hand.

I close the door on her and waddle back to my bed.

I rip the envelope open and see a long letter.

My beautiful wife, Anna.

I miss you everyday. You have no idea how much I think of you. There's not a single day where I go without thinking of you.
Everything here is wonderful. The battle has remained neutral, which is good.
I'm not sure when I'll be home, but hopefully it'll be soon.
I can't wait for our lips to connect again. When I get home, I want to snuggle for hours nonstop. You better pinky promise me that!

Love, Gray

I felt tears fall from my eyes. The letter brought me joy and sadness.

I haven't told him about our child, yet.

Everyday I think to myself, does this make me a bad wife?

I know I should probably tell him, but I really want to surprise him.

I'm not afraid of surprising him. I'm just afraid of his reaction. Maybe it'll be good, or maybe it'll be bad.

Grayson's POV

I enter the shower rooms which is just a line of shower heads with no curtains. Here you had no privacy. We were all men so we could care less if we saw each other naked.

It was the middle of the night, and the only person up in my platoon, was me.

I turn on the steaming warm water. The steam hits my bare skin causing goosebumps to appear on the surface.

I place my hands amongst the walls and lean forward with my head hanging low.

I felt a big urge. I had to do something that I desired. Something to give me pleasure. Something to take away my stress here.

I grab a hold of my dick and begin stroking it with my hand repeatedly.

I start off slowly, but soon go faster.

I grunt and bite my bottom lip.

I feel my eyes become glassy.

Anna kept showing up in my mind. I missed her out of all things.

Once I finally come, I start sobbing. People say it's unusual for a man to cry.

Believe me, it's not. Men cry as much as women do.

I cover my eyes, then grip my hair.

I needed her.

Anna's POV

I woke up to the bright sun light shining through the curtains that covered the windows.

I stretch out my arms and rub my eyes.

The strong smell of coffee and bacon fills the air.

I scooch out of bed and put on my white robe that hung on chair next to my vanity.

I make my way down stairs and enter the kitchen where I see everyone.

Ethan looks over at me and I'm reminded with the awful words he's told me.

"Let me make you feel good"

"I can give it to you better than he can"

"I'll make love to you"

I walk over to the dining table and sit down next to Sierra who's sleeping.

"Wake up", I smack the table, startling her.

Her head flies up and she's quickly looks around. "What?" She panics.

"Calm down, it's just me you idiot".

She rolls her eyes and lays her head back down on the table.

Ethan sits down at the table across from me. He looks me in the eye, then down at his hands.

"Good morning Ethan. You can speak right?"

He looks up at me and rolls his eyes.

"So when does the golden child get home?" Ethan asks.

"Don't know", Sean answers.

"Oh, perfect", he smirks while looking down at his hands still.

Authors note: yooo!!!!
It's been a while, but hey! This is the second book! Let me know what you think!
I'm so excited to write this😄😄😄

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