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I remember everything from last night. Grayson coming home, freaking out because of Ethan, yelling harsh things, and putting our marriage to an end.

We celebrated Bella's birthday, but she didn't have a good time at all. We decided to just celebrate at home.

Ethan fell asleep in Bella's room, and I didn't bother waking him up.

I slept by myself, which I really needed.

I should've known that the nightmares I was getting were trying to tell me something. It was all leading towards something.

That was Grayson and I separating.

I don't know where he went, what he's doing, or if he's even gonna come back.

I wake up from a movement on the bed. Ethan had woken up and came back to bed.

I had my back faced to him, but he always knows when I'm awake or asleep.

"I'm sorry", he says.

"Don't be. Everything was my fault".

"No, it was mine. I was the one who drew you in", he says.

He has a point. Ethan is very captivating.

I turn to him and close my eyes. "Ethan, you wouldn't leave me, would you?"

"I would never leave you in a million years", he cups my cheeks and pecks my lips.

"Anna, that's why we're married. We made a promise, and I intend to keep mine".

I snuggle close to him and relax. "I love you".


I'm woken by a kiss on my forehead, from Ethan. He usually kisses my forehead before leaving for work.

"I'll see you later", he whispers.

I weakly smile, then he quietly leaves the bedroom.

I was actually quite happy and grateful to have Ethan in my life.

He made me forget about the hard times.


"Mommy!" Bella yells.

I open my eyes. It felt like five minutes ago, Ethan had left for work.

"What time is it?" I ask.

She shrugs, well of course she wouldn't know.

I sit up and turn on my phone. 1:20pm

"Shit", I palm my forehead.

"Are you okay mommy?"

"Yes, baby. I'm fine. I just keep sleeping in late".

I get off the bed and carry her with me downstairs.

"Did daddy feed you?"

She nods. "Mommy, who was that boy?"

"Um... I'll tell you another time, okay".

"Okay", she shrugs.

I set her in her chair and head to the fridge.

"You know what. Let's go out for lunch", I smile.


We sat in a both, sat across from each other.

"Hi girls, what can I get you?"

"I'll have a water. Hun, what do you want to drink?"

"Milk", she smiles.

"Alright, I'll go get that".

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now