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Have you ever been so mad at someone that you literally just throw their stuff straight at them? Well, that's me.

Yesterday, when Bella and I got home, Ethan arrived home shortly after that.

I had gathered his things and tossed them out the door. He kept begging me to forgive him, but I just threw a suitcase at his face.

Anyways, he eventually left, because I locked him out of the house.

Bella stayed up in her room, terrified of Ethan. I feel her emotion.

I let her sleep in my bed that night. She's all I needed at this moment.

Maybe later, I'll need Grayson. But it all depends if he wanted me back.

Honetsly, when Bella grows up, I'm gonna make sure she doesn't get a boyfriend until she's thirty years old.

Men are assholes.

No fucking exaggeration.

When I woke up, Bella was in my arms still asleep.

She was a great cuddle bug.

I love her more than anything.

I love absolutely every feauture of her. Her smile, her eyes, her long blonde hair, her voice, and just everything.

My only priority right now, was Bella and Bella only.

The thing I was worried about now was employment. I still need a job, but I'm a stay at home mom.

I needed money now.


Bella and I walked through the mall together. She's always holding my hand. She's very shy around everyone.

If she gets really shy, she'll just beg me to pick her up, and so I will.

We walked into the Disney store. It's a cute store and filled of my childhood.

I grew up watching Nickelodeon and Disney.

"Momma!" She runs to a Disney Barbie doll.


I giggle and look at it. "Why her?"

"She looks like you", she says.

"Pft, no she doesn't".

"She's pretty and you're pretty".

I smile and hug her.

"Are you sure you want her?"

She grabs my face and nods. "Yes mommy".


When we left American Eagle, Bella tugs my arm.

"It's him", she whispers.

I sigh and look around. "Where?"

She points to the right.

I see Grayson walking in our direction. "Can I go say hi?"

"Sweetie, you don't even know him".

"He looks like me".

"Not really", I say.

"Please mommy", she pouts.

"Okay, go ahead".

I let go of her hand and watch her run to Grayson.

He smiles and picks her up.

Grayson's POV

"Is this gonna happen everytime you see me?"

"Yeah", she smiles.

"Does your mom just let you do this?" I laugh.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now