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Everyone had left the house for dinner, like every Saturday night.

I chose to stay home alone.

I didn't mind it much. I kinda liked having time to myself.

I opened up a wine cabinet and brought out a bottle of red wine.

I grab a wine glass and poured some wine into the bottle.

Ding dong

I groan and set the bottle down. I head to the front door and fix my hair as I do.

Once I open the door, it's someone very unexpected.

"Olivia?" I say.

"Anna, please talk to me", she says.

I didn't want to talk to her, especially after everything that went down.

"What do you want", I say.

"I want to talk".

I sigh and tap my foot amongst the floor.

"Fine", I say.

She walks in and takes off her heels. We walk into the living room and sit down on two different couches.

"I know what happened is terrible. I never meant to sleep with Grayson. He told me you guys were taking a break, so I went over to talk to him. I was trying to convince him to end the break and just get back together, but he convinced me to have sex with him".

Every word sounded fake. It was like lies just spitting out of her mouth with every pronunciation of each word.

"If you were trying to get us back together, why would you have sex with him?"

"Well, he was just irresistible".

I gotta admit that's true. I could never turn down a time where Grayson wanted to have fun.

"I want you out of my house", I say firmly.

"This is your families house", she says slowly.

"I don't care. You're not allowed here."

She slowly gets up and heads to the door.

"By the way, did you ever notice this?" I place my hands on each side of my stomach.

Her jaw drops, and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god.. it's... his?"

"Yes", I say.

She stares at it, then comes towards me to hug me, but I put my hands up to stop her.

"Get out", I clench my jaw.

Her eyes turned glassy. Her arms drop to her sides.

"You'll need me one day", she says, then walks away.


I sat in my bed experiencing the normal kicking from my child that I normally get.

I turn on my phone to see the time.


My family should be home anytime now.

I hear the front door open, and was I spot on or what?

I slowly make my way off the bed and waddle down the hallway.

I hear a bag drop onto the floor. The house is a tad quiet for all of them being home.

I make it to the top of the staircase, and there's no one to be found at the door.

I slowly walk down the steps, one at a time.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now