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Weeks later...

The past few weeks have been hectic. Grayson and I haven't had a moment to our selves.

Bella started preschool and also joined ballet classes.

I still haven't found a job yet, neither has Grayson. He still gets paid from the military. He goes to work every weekend.

He goes up to his base and does training and helps the new troops.

He's on the list for deployment though. He could be deployed any day.

Today I planned on meeting up with Leah which I was actually quite excited about.

Bella sat in the chair next to mine at the cafe as we waited for Leah and Ella.

The door rings from the bell above and I see them. Ella runs up to Bella and squeezes her in a hug.

"Hey girls, there's a okay area over there", I say.

They run over to the little toy room for kids.

Leah laughs and sits down. "It's so nice to see you", she smiles. "You too! How have you been?"

"Busy", she sighs. "Ugh tell me about it."

"Ella stared preschool", she says. "No way. So did Bella".

"Seriously? They must be twins", she says. We both laugh.

"So, do you have a husband?"

"No, I'm single."

"Oh, I'm sorry", I say.

"So how are you and Grayson doing?" She asks.

"We're doing great", I smile. "Good", she smiles.

"So, who was your husband?" I ask. "Oh, we never got married. "Oh, well who was it?"

"His names Drew", she smiles. "That's a nice name. Drew who?"

"Drew Smith".

My heart clenches.


I walk into my families house and yelled drews name.

"Anna, why are you yelling for Drew?" My mom asks coming around the corner.

"I'm gonna fucking murder that piece of shit", I say while running up the stairs.

"Hey! Watch your language young lady!" She shouts.

I kick drews door open and see him smoking in his room. "You fucking bastard!" I yell.

"Chill, what'd I do?"

"First of all, put down the fucking weed", I say.

He rolls his eyes and sets it on his desk. "So, how's Leah?" I ask while crossing my arms.

His face softens. "Who told you about us", he says.

"Doesn't matter asshole! Mom get up here!" I yell.

"No! Anna! Why would you do this to me?!"

"Because it's time to grow up", I say.

She enters the room and plugs her nose. "Ew, wash your clothes for once in your life".

"Oh, that's just his weed", I say.

Her eyes widen. "I have a child to go take care of, but did you know Drews a father?" I say before leaving the room.


"I'm so proud of you", Grayson says. "Yeah, I'm a good person", I smile.

"I can't stand any of your friends", he sighs. "Why?"

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now