twenty three

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The next day

I'll recap on what happened last night.

I was confirmed healthy, I had a great night with Grayson, then I got told I have leukemia, I sobbed for about an hour, eventually fell asleep, was comforted by Grayson, and now left to go back home.

What a great honeymoon to remember.

Sometimes I wish my life wasn't complicated. Honestly, it's messed up as fuck.

I could give you many reasons why, but I'll just name a few.

Getting pregnant.

At school feeling nauseous, then I finally decide to test myself. Breaking the news to Grayson.

Getting married.

Grayson thought it was right, my dad flipped shit. Our parents eventually decided to let us since I was pregnant.

The twins death.

Both diagnosed with leukemia, thinking it was from my aunt, but really it's probably from me since I have it now.


Going off on him and receiving the news, later, that he's in the hospital. Watching him suffer in pain. Reading that letter that completely changed me.


Well, you already know.

Grayson's POV

When we arrived back in New Jersey from our long flight, we got in our car that we left at the airport.

The car ride home was quiet. Almost too quiet.

I glance over at Anna who's leaning against the window, lost in her thoughts.

I wish there something I could do, anything.

I hate seeing her like this. Not only is this affecting her, but it's affecting me.

I just want a miracle.


Anna's POV

The doctor had told us to come to the hospital as soon as we arrived home.

I lied upon the hospital bed in the plain beige walled room waiting for the doctor.

I didn't know what to say or how to have a conversation. Grayson and I didn't talk much, which is unusual. We were both in shock.

I just got scanned for images to tell which stage I'm currently at. I felt like I was at the very last stage, which is the worst.

"Gray?" I finally speak.

He looks up and looks relived that I'm finally talking. "Yeah?" He says softly.

"Will I die?"

"Anna, don't you ever say that", he says firmly. "Gray, I'm just scared. People say these things when they're scared".

He clenches his jaw and rubs his neck.

I could tell he was going to cry any minute. He gets up from the chair and leaves the room.

Sometimes I felt like that wasn't the Grayson I married. The Grayson I'm married to would never leave. He's very clingy actually.


Grayson's POV

I sit in the cafeteria with a sandwich in front of me. I don't bother eating it. My frustration took over my appetite.

"Excuse me sir, but are you Grayson Dolan?" I turn my head and see a tall brunette with blue eyes. She looks exactly like Anna.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm Pam Williams. I'm the lady that your wife had the blood test mistake", she says.

I sigh because I hate hearing about the situation. It makes me more miserable.

"I'm really sorry to hear about her diagnosis. I wish she didn't have to go through that", she says while sitting down across from me.

I don't respond, I just stare at her because of how scary the resemblance was.

"You look exactly like her", I say.

"I do?"


We enter Anna's room again, and her eyes widen. "Is that a clone of me?" She asks.

"Ann, this is Pam Williams".

Her face softens. "Hi, Anna. It's nice to meet you", she walks over to her and they shake hands.

"I'm really sorry to hear about this. I hope everything turns out alright", she says.

Anna's POV

"Thank you", I say. "I wish I could be you".

"I would do anything to be you", she says. "Why?" I ask.

"I don't want to see you suffer like this", she says.

I weakly smile, then the doctor enters the room.

He has a weak smile playing on his lips. "Hi guys", he starts. "Who are you?"

"I'm Pam Williams", she says. "Oh, I should've known that. Um, if you don't mind, can you please leave?"

"Absolutely", she nods.

Just him saying that makes me nervous and become more anxious.

"After we took a look at your pictures, we found that you are currently in stage 3."

My heart bursts into a million pieces. My stomach was doing somersaults.

"W-what does this mean?"

"Well, you will have to stay in stay in the hospital temporarily, until you fight off the cancer", he explains.

"Would I have to lose my hair?" I know it may seem like I'm 'that' kind of girl that cares so much about her hair, but honestly I love my hair and if I died, I want to have a feature of me to keep.

"No, there is an option where you can keep your hair."

I feel relieved. Grayson sits down in the chair next to the bed and squeezes my hand.

"We will need to stay operations as soon as possible", doc says.

Authors note:

Okay... I'm really sorry my chapters have been so boring lately :/ I'm trying to give as much detail as I can, but I promise you my chapters will get better.

I didn't re-read my work, so let me know if there were any mistakes cause I'll fix them. I'll probably read this later lol. But I HAVE to go to sleep😂 Goodnight🌛

Hope you enjoyed haha💕


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