twenty two

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Weeks later

It's been weeks since my blood test, and still no results. Honestly, there's most likely nothing wrong with me.

Anyways, Grayson and I flew to California today to finally have our honeymoon.

Bella is staying with our parents. I felt bad because she's my own child and I love her to pieces. Literally it took me two hours to say goodbye.

Our flight was long. Going from New Jersey to California isn't easy. The time is held back, so the day is longer by three hours.

But now it was 8:30pm.

Grayson ran out to the store, so I decided to drink some wine.

I grabbed a bottle of wine, but that's when my phone started ringing.

I leave the bathroom and head to the master bed where I had left my phone at.

I look down and see the hospitals number. I take a deep breath and slowly pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi Mrs. Dolan, I have some news for you".

"Good or bad?" I ask. "Very good", I can feel the lady smiling.

"Ma'am, after a bunch of tests, the doctor found nothing to wrong with you. He thinks the weight loss is just apart of your growth, so there's nothing to worry about".

I exhale in relief. "Oh my god", I smile.

"Have a good day ma'am". "Thank you. You too", I say.

I set my phone down and stand in shock. I was so relieved to find out that I'm healthy.

The door opens, but I don't bother to turn and see who it is. "Babe? Are you okay?"

He turns me around slowly. "The nurse called. There's nothing wrong with me", I say.

He pulls me in for a hug, but this one is a tight, warm, and a big hug.

It reminded me of the hug I felt when he left for duty. It was the best feeling, although sad at the time.

"Oh my god", he says, crying a little. "Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry".

"They're tears of joy", he says.

Dr. Rems POV

I walked out of a conference room, and I'm greeted by one of the nurses. "Dr. Rem, who was the lady that we did blood tests with earlier today and we confirmed she was okay?"

"Um... nurse Jan, there's many people that we do blood work on", I say as I proceed to walk.

She follows aside me. "Last name Dolan", she says.

"Oh! That's um.. Anna Dolan", I snap. "When did we do blood work on her?"

"The past few weeks", she says.

"Hmmm, show me".

Anna's POV

I sat on Grayson's lap in the jacuzzi. It was more of laying down than sitting. He wrapped his bigs arms around me and talked.

"Hey, I've been doing some thinking".

"About what?" I ask.

"About what Bella said."

"What'd she say?"

"Well she mentioned a baby, and I was just taking time to think. Maybe we should have another kid", he shrugs.

"I don't think we're ready", I sigh. "Why?"

"Well first off, we didn't intentionally have Bella. We had her at a very young age and we weren't ready at the time."

He sighs and plays with his fingers. "Secondly, we're still very young, well at least I am. You're twenty one and I'm still twenty. Twenty one year olds have more freedom".

"But you're almost twenty one", he remarks.

"But I would like to be that now".

"What does our age have to do with anything?"

"Nothing. It's just I want to twenty one. It feels.. better and more right".

"You're so picky, you know that?"

"I know", I laugh.

Dr. Rems POV

"Dr. Rem, this blood doesn't belong to Anna Dolan. This is Pam Williams."

"What? That can't be", I say.

"Wait, did you say Pam Williams?" A different nurse asks.


"Oh, I called her this morning and told her about her diagnosis", she says.

"Dr. Rem, I believe we mixed up the blood work", nurse Jan says.

Anna's POV

"Lastly, we aren't financially ready and haven't been for years. You do realize that we've had to 'borrow' money from our parents, right?"

"I have the money", he says. "Grayson, no you don't. You complain about it all the time".

"I can get money", he retorts.

"Grayson, stop making this more complicated than it already is". I step out of the tub and dry off.

"Complicated? How is it complicated?" He steps out after.

"You keep pressuring me", I whine and leave the bathroom.

He follows behind me. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready when you are".

I sigh and turn around. I get hypnotized by his glorious eyes. He's giving me a face. The big eyes, cheeky teethlesss smile, and raised eyebrows.

"Stop", I roll my eyes. He places his index finger below my chin to make me look at him.

He was very captivating, just like Ethan. I could see Ethan in him at times, well considering they're are twins.

ring ring ring

Thank god.

I walk away from him and grab my phone.

I see the hospital number on the screen. "What?" I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" Grayson asks.

"The hospital is calling me, again".

I answer it and put the phone to my ear.


"Hi Mrs. Dolan. There's been a misunderstanding, unfortunately".


"Your blood work was accidentally switched with another ladies blood work. The blood test for you was announced to her. Her original one was confirmed healthy. Unfortunately I'm afraid yours has been confirmed as leukemia".

Authors note: I don't have much to say today 🤔 but tell me your thoughts!
Btw, sorry to say this but there might be a lack of updating this week :/ I have school and some activities after school that conflict with my time for updating. I'm sorry :( but I'm gonna try to update at night. I won't let you guys down.


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