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My sobs echo throughout the house. Grayson comforts me while Bella sits in her chair in confusion.

Grayson was also crying, but not as bad as I was. I don't know why it hit me so hard.

I had a hard time breathing. Every breath I took was thick and raspy.

I wish I could've seen Ethan happy. But sadly the last time I got to see and talk to him was when he was angry. It isn't fair.

Part of me will always love Ethan. He is family and I have to love him. I would just never the him the same way I love Grayson.

Bella comes over to me and hugs me. "Mommy, daddy, what's wrong?" She asks with her soft voice.

I stand up and walk away, leaving Grayson with her.

I could never break this to her even if I tried.

"I'll be back", I say while grabbing my purse.

Grayson's POV

I held Bella in my arms as tears fell from my eyes. I push her to face me, and I sigh.

"Honey, Ethan died this afternoon", my heart clenches.

She doesn't understand, well she is only four. She frowns and hugs me.

"When is he coming back?" She asks. More tears fall.

"He isn't coming back. He's in peace now".


Anna's POV

When I arrived at the hospital, I'm greeted by a nurse. It was the same one I had saw yesterday.

She smiles weakly and pulls me in for a hug. My eyes were red and puffy because of how much I cried.

"I'm very sorry miss", she says.

My lip quivers as I shut my eyes, still hugging her.

I pull back and wipe my eyes.

She hands me a tissue and gestures me to follow her.

I walk into the room Ethan was in yesterday. The only thing missing, was Ethan. "His parents just left", she explains.

I look at the bed and see his clothes from yesterday. "You can have these", she hands me the pile of clothing.

She walks to the nightstand that was directly next to the cot and grabs a note.

"This is for you", she says.

I slowly take it and see that it's a letter.

She pats my shoulder and leaves the room.

I set the pile of clothes on the cot and walk to sit in a chair that was also next to the cot.

I open the letter and see a long paragraph.


I did this for you. I knew my life wouldn't be complete if I didn't have you. I don't want you, Grayson, or anyone to cry. Please hear me out in this letter. Hopefully you'll understand me a little better.

Growing up with you as a kid was hard. You were always with Grayson. You never really paid much attention to me. I always did understand why. I was a terribly rude and obnoxious kid haha. But I guess people change over the years.

When I turned sixteen, I built stronger feelings for you when you and Grayson started talking again. I tried getting him away from you, so I could have a chance, but I shouldn't have. I should've let you live happily. For example, remember that day where Grayson was talking to you, but them I threw a football to him? I was just trying to get him away from you.

When you and Grayson got married, that pushed me to the limit. I did the unthinkable. I knew if Grayson left, I'd have a chance. I did and I felt terrible. I did many things to you that I regret. But when we finally found a connection, you changed me as a person. You made me want to be a better person, friend, son, and husband. You taught me what love is. You also taught me how to be Bella's father.

Other than that, I do regret cheating on you. I wouldn't call it cheating because the girl that I had kissed only had a few more months to live. She found out a year ago, and of course that's where it all started. I just wanted her to have a good life and be happy until her day comes. She had a major crush on me since the first day of work, but slowly I developed feelings when she told me about her cancer diagnosis. I never meant it the way you took it.

Raising Bella with you and watching her grow have been the best few years of my life. I was really happy to be considered as a father, since I wasn't one at the time and still aren't, and never will be. I still love her to pieces. Tell her how much I love her and if you want, you can explain to her how I'm not her dad. That's Grayson's position.

I wrote Grayson a letter and it's the other paper in the envelope, so if you could give it to him, that would be great.

I don't want you to regret or have doubts about things you've done. What you've done and said to me have changed me and I'm ready to live in peace now. I will always understand you through everything. I miss you and always will.

I want you and Grayson to be happy. I want Bella to grow up and live a good life. Make sure she's a good person and doesn't live the way we did as teenagers haha.

See you one day.



Tears were endlessly falling. My heart had split in half.

At the same time, I felt better to know everything. A smile played on my lips although the pain showed in my eyes.

I still love him and always will. I just wish I would've known these things so life wasn't so stressful.

Now I'll live on with Grayson and Bella, happily.

Authors note: Anyone cry?
How are you guys now?😂 Geez my brain hurts. Honetsly I know this is a lot to process. If you have any questions about anything or everything😂please let me know.

Love ya


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