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Ethan: please talk to me

Ethan: I regret everything

Ethan: Anna, I need you

Ethan: I love you

It's been a week since I last saw Ethan. It hasn't been fun avoiding him. The guilt was causing me to be miserable.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, there was something about Ethan I loved.

The way he touches me makes me feel vulnerable. His eyes send me into another world. His voice drives me crazy, but in a good way.

But I do love Grayson more than I'll ever love Ethan. I needed some guy with me while Grayson wasn't here with me.

Someone to help me, please me, and just make me laugh.

But it can't be Ethan. Not my husbands brother. Not my brother in law.

I grab my phone and begin typing.

Me: can you come over to talk?

"Wait! No! What the fuck!" I gasp.

At the same time, I'm glad I sent that.

Ethan: yeah, I'll be over soon


After hearing a knock at the door, I open the door to see Ethan.

After him hitting me, I was frightened by him. But the fear eventually went away.

"Hey", he says softly. "Hey, come in", I say moving to the side so he can walk in.

I swear, when he wore joggers, it makes me weak.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asks as I close the door.

"Well, first have a seat", I say.

We walk into the living room and I sit on a couch across from the other one that he sat on.

"So, I came to realize... I can't take care of Bella on my own, without Grayson. I need someone like Grayson to help me out. And since you're just like him, well you're his twin so, I was wondering if you would like to help me".

He doesn't smile or react. "Yeah, I can do that", he nods.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course. What do I do?"

"Well, you simply live here until Grayson comes back", I say.

"And you want me?"

"That's why you're here", I say.

He chuckles and looks down at his hands. "Alright. I'll do it".


Ethan had brought a few bags of his stuff, since he was going to stay here for a while.

Since there were a few bedrooms in the house, I let him use one.

Even though he was taking Grayson's place, I'm not letting him sleep with me. That's too far.

"Anna", Ethan says.

I sigh and leave Bella's room.


I get thrown off after seeing Ethan standing in the hall with a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging dangerously low.

His V line was exposed. Not gonna lie, this was a huge turn on.

"Do you have an extra razor?"

"U-um.. yeah", I say.

I walk to a closet in the hall and grab one from a box.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now