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The anger and tension between Grayson and I was still going on.

I lied in bed when he came home. He didn't even tell me where he went, which makes me angry.

I hear footsteps coming up the staircase, soon they became louder.

I hear the bedroom door open, but I pretend to be asleep.

I lied there on my side and didn't move an inch.

I opened one eye slightly and could see Grayson taking off his shirt.

Once he looked up, I immediately closed my eye again.

He walks to the bathroom, which was in our bedroom. We had four bathrooms in the house.

Two of them were in two different bedrooms, one bathroom up stairs, and one downstairs.

I hear the shower start. The sound soothed my stress a bit.

I want to be happy with Grayson, but he makes it difficult.

My birthday was coming up in a few weeks. I would be eighteen, finally.

I've always wanted to be eighteen. Grayson's a few months older than I am.

He can do a few more things than I can, that's only because of his age.

The shower stops, he's always been fast at taking showers.

He comes out within minutes with a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes to his side of the bed and grabs a pair of boxers out of his drawer.

I know this because he does it every night.

I feel him lie down on the bed. The covers move when he gets under them.

His deep breaths fill the silence.

He sighs, then I feel him move again.

He wraps his arm around me and intertwines his fingers with mine.

His lips touch my shoulder. "I'm sorry", he whispers.


I woke up laying in the same position that we fell asleep in last night.

I move Grayson's arm off of me and slide off the bed.

I look down at Grayson and fix the sheets over his body.

I push a strand of hair on his forehead to side, then kiss his cheek.

I leave the bedroom and enter Bella's, where she's still asleep.

I hover over the crib and see her slowly wake up as I pick her up.

"Good morning sweetie", I say as I gently bounce her.

I take her with me down stairs and head to the kitchen.

I grab her bottle from the fridge, then look for something for myself.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, obviously Grayson.

He enters the kitchen and weakly smiles at me. I hadn't talked to him especially after he said "I'm sorry".

He takes Bella from me and the bottle. "I can feed her, if you want".

"I was gonna do it myself, but whatever pleases you", I say.

The silence between us just seemed unusual and awkward. We're never like this, especially after we have little fights.

I couldn't believe he was already being deployed again. I really need him now.

Today was Thursday, that meant he leaves tomorrow.

"Hey, whatever you have planned tonight, can you cancel?"

"Uh... yeah. I didn't have any. Why?" I ask.

"Thought we should have a little time to ourselves", he says.

"Wait, seriously?" I say with slight excitement.

"Yeah, I called my mom and she said that she could take care of Bella tonight. She can, so I was planning on spending some time with you", he says.

I was actually speechless.

I hug him, with Bella in the middle of us.


Well, our 'date night', I guess I could call it, consisted of movies and wine.

We sat next to each other on the couch, feet on the coffee table, and his arm around me.

We decided to watch Frozen, for whatever reason.

"Why are we watching this?" I laugh.

"Because it's lit as fuck", he says before drinking his wine.

I laugh and grab the remote to turn off the tv.

"What the fuck?" He complains.

I walk away from the couch. "Where are you going?" He asks.

I turn and wink at him. He smirks and quickly gets up.

I laugh and start running away. I can hear him chasing me.

"Anna! Stop playing games!"

I laugh and find the staircase. I stop and turn, but there's no sign of him.


I scream when I see him jump out of no where.

He grabs me and we fall onto the stair steps.

He showers me with kisses and wraps his big arms around me.

I wrap my legs around his torso and snake my arms around his neck.

He lifts me up and carries me up stairs.

We enter the bedroom and land on the bed.

He pulls away from the kiss that wasn't broken, and stares me in the eye.

Our love could never be broken.


The night was full of the same familiar feelings. This night was hot and full of passion.

The stripping.

He pulls off my clothing one by one and layers my skin with wet kisses. Soon he'd take off his boxers, which was the thing that made me weak.


Grinding against each other, him rubbing against me making me sexually frustrated, and me kissing him in places that makes him weak.

The high point.

The moment I feel it coming, he would thrust quicker, sometimes becoming for sloppier. When I reach my high, I feel relived and am filled with complete pleasure.


After sweating, panting, and moaning, we finally lay together after our heart rates become steady. Then, him showering me with kisses. After, whispering cute and romantic things to each other before going off into sleep.

This was the feeling I never wanted to forget.

Authors note: well, not that long of an authors note tonight😂 sorry I'm actually exhausted.


The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now