What now? (Questions)

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‼️After many questions that I received‼️
through DM's on Wattpad, I picked some of the best questions that I found. If you have any questions for me, feel free to DM them to me ‼️and they'll be answered soon‼️

"Are you gonna make a third book?"

Not sure yet! But most likely no. Still in debate.

"What are you going to do now?"

Write more stories, duh! Go check out Roomate and wolves!

"Where and how did you get your inspiration for writing your stories/story?"

Well... I legit came up with The Boy Next Door just out of the blue. I was really bored one day and brianstormed some story ideas and thought this would be kinda cool.
I wrote The Boy in My Heart because it was the second book lol. There was no 'idea' or 'inspiration' I got to write it from.
I thought of Roomate on my own!
BUT I do read a lot of Wattpad stories quite often and get inspiration or ideas from them, but I cannot take credit. I learned how to probably format and edit from many of them.

"Will you ever write a story based on you one day?"

FRICK YES! Do y'all want me to?

"What's your name?"

Lmao, I'm not giving it out. I once said my name is Mary, but I lied. I'm not giving out my name, Instagram, twitter, etc. to anyone until I feel comfortable with doing that.


The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now