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Song for this chp. Die For You (by: The Weeknd)

"He was hit by a car, but that's what he wanted to happen. When he was able to speak about an hour ago, he told us that he did it for you", the nurse says.

"But I'm not his wife... anymore", I say.

"I'm sorry to hear that".

She opens the door for me, and I slowly walk in.

I see Ethan all fucked up. Dried up blood stains on his head, cuts on his arms, and bruises everywhere.

I slowly walk to the side of the cot and examine him. "Ethan... why", I say quietly.

"Why would you do this to yourself. Why would you put all the suffering on me? I just wanted to be happy and I wanted the same for you".

I put my hand on his hand and rub it gently.

"I don't want to be with you, and you know that. I'm with Grayson, and I love him. I wish you could respect that".

His hand twitches for a second. "You cheated on me. Remember the night before? You said "I would never leave in a million years" but you did", I say.

"I'm sorry", he says in pain.

I had no idea he was awake. But I wouldn't care if he even heard me or not.

"Ethan, I can't trust you anymore. You were great to me for the past four years, but you were lying the whole time".

"I was not", his voice cracks.

His eyes were now open.

"How long were you seeing that girl for?"

"I wasn-"

"Stop lying", I clench my jaw.

"A year..."

I let go of his hand and shake my head. "I can't believe I trusted you. Was I really not good enough?"

"Anna, I loved you and I still do".

"Wow, I love lies. Tell me more!" I say, clearly being sarcastic.

"Anna ple-"


He looks at me in pain. "There's nothing you can do to win me back. Goodbye Ethan".

I walk out quickly without looking back at him, even though he kept calling my name.


By the time I got home, it was already three in the morning.

I slam the door and sit on the floor with my back against the door.

I put my hands to my eyes to stop myself from crying.

I see Grayson running down the stairs. He stops in front of me and surveys my face.

I didn't cry. I couldn't.

"Come on", he whispers while helping me up.

He carries me, bridal style, up the stairs.

I felt weak. Weak that I couldn't move an inch.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now