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"W-what?" I say feeling low on oxygen.

"Your husband is alive. He has been held as a war prisoner for the past 3 and a half years", she repeats.

I feel my heart ready to burst. I was already crying hysterically.

"Oh my god", I sob.

"He is safe and in good health and will be returning home shortly. We will contact you later today with more information on when he shall arrive back home".

"T-thank you", I cry harder.

"You're welcome Mrs. Dolan".

I end the call and cry harder. I can't believe that he's alive.

I felt relived and so happy, but at the same time, I knew we won't last. I married Ethan, assuming Grayson had passed away since it was three years without a sign that he's alive.

I dial my mom with my hands trembling.

The phone rings a few times until there's a connection.


"Mom", I sob.

"Ann, what's wrong honey?"

"G-Grayson.. he's alive".


I pull Bella's hair up into a pony tail and fix her shirt. "Mommy, where are we going?"

"No where. I just wanted you to look cute. Why? Do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Food", she says.

"A restaurant?"

"Yeah", she nods.

"We'll see".

"Why were you crying, momma".

"I'll tell you later, okay?"


I hear the front door open. "Daddy's home", I say.

She runs down out of the room and I hear her laughing when she gets down stairs.

Ethan's POV

"How was your day", I say.

"Good. But mommy was crying".

"Mommy was crying? Why?"

"I don't know. She was crying on the phone".

I set her down and squat down to her. "Go play with your dolls, okay?"

"Okay, daddy", she taps my nose and runs off.

I run up the stairs and see Anna in Bella's room, fixing the bed.

"Everything okay?"

She turns around with puffy eyes. She slowly walks to me and wraps her arms around my neck.

I rub my hands up and down her back. "Grayson's alive".

Suddenly I get a warm feeling in my heart. "What?" I gasp.

"I got a call from the War Department today. He was held as a war prisoner in Japan for 3 and a half years".

I feel my eyes water, but I can't cry. It'll just make her cry.

"Honey, that's amazing".

"Minus one thing", she says.


"Us. Him and I. Ethan I'm still married to him, but now I'm married to you".

My heart sinks. I didn't even think about that. The thought just disappeared.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now