twenty eight

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A week later...

I sat on the couch with the awful headache I had all day. I tried resting, took medication, ate, and drank water.

Nothing helped at all.

Grayson walks in with a bowl of popcorn. He plops down and stuffs his face with popcorn.

He glances over at me. I'm staring off into space, lost in my thoughts.

"What's wrong with you?"

I turn my head to look at him. "Nothing", I shrug.

He looks at the tv, then back at me. "Well, there's gotta be something".

"No, I'm fine", I sigh.

There's silence in the air.

" wanna go to bed? Do you wanna eat?"

"No, Gray I'm fine", I say.

He furrows his eyebrows, then eats more popcorn. "Okay", he sighs.

He looks at the tv, and I look down at my hands and think deeply.

Grayson's phone goes off ringing. He reaches for it and answers the call.

"Hello? Oh hey bro... yeah... ok... I'll be there soon... bye".

"Who was it?"

"Alex. He's at the bar and needs me".

"Oh, ok", I say.

He stands up and fixes his shirt. "I'll be back in an hour", he says.

"Mhmm, sure".

He pecks my lips, then heads to the door.

The door opens and closes, then the silence is back.


Grayson's POV

"So, your girls got leukemia?" Alex says.

"Yes", I sigh.

"Well, there's your chance to kill her".

"Alex, I'm not killing her. Why do you want me to kill every girl in my life?"

"Chill bro, I'm just drunk. Anyways, you killed your first girlfriend", he says.

Chloe, we got into a car accident.

"And the second one".

Barbara, I accidentally swung a baseball bat at her head when we were with our friends.

"The third on-"

"That was Brittany and I did not kill her", I say.

"Okay? But you made her kill her self".

"She chose that on her own", I say.

"So you're gonna let Anna live?"

"What the fuck is your problem man? I love Anna. I never meant to kill anyone and I don't plan on doing it ever".


Anna's POV

I stood in the kitchen, looking out the window, then at the clock.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now