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I gotta admit, I was really nervous being around Ethan. So far, he was acting different than he usually acts.

We've had sex before, but I had a feeling that tonight would be different. Not saying we will, but it is a possibility, knowing Ethan.

He walked in as I got changed with one of his bags. He awkwardly smiles, then closes the door.

I left myself wearing an oversized t-shirt with just my underwear.

I combed out my hair while I sat on the edge of the bed.

I hear Ethan getting changed. The sound of his belt brings back memories.

I remember the time, about a year ago, when Grayson took me into the storage closet to take his anger out on me.

I continue walking down the hall. I see Grayson down the hall walking towards me. He didn't look too happy. What if he wanted to fuck again?

He gets up to me. "You told people?" He says. Wait what?

"Told people what?"
"Don't be stupid anna. You told people that we had sex!" He says.
"No I didn't!" I say. My stomach cramps. I place my hand on my stomach from the pain.

He looks around with frustration. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into a storage closet with him.

He locks the door.

Please, not now

He clenches his jaw. "Take off your pants", he says as he un does his belt. I do as told and pull them down slowly.

He grabs me and turns me around. He pushes me onto a table leaving my legs dangling.

He pulls down his pants and smacks my ass. I bite my lip from the pain. I feel him thrust into me. I moan and bite my lip harder. He thrusts in hard and fast.

"Gray", I whimper. He grips my hair and stops. "What did you say?"

I just want you to stop.

"Daddy", I whimper. He thrusts back in and begins pounding into me. My legs grow weak. I feel tears forming from the pain.

He pulls out and grabs his belt. I feel a strong stinging pain on my ass. He hit me.

He hits me again. I flinch forward. More tears stream down my face. I clench my fists as he hits me one last time.

He stops and lets the belt fall to the ground. He stands there taking deep breaths. He flips me around and pulls me up to stand up.

Thinking about that moment just made me shiver. I remember being petrified of him after that.

"Hey", Ethan says making me jump. "You okay?"

I turn around and see him laying in bed.

"Um, yeah. Sorry... I just zoned out", I shrug.

"It's alright".

I put my hairbrush away and got underneath the covers.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course", I say shifting to my side to look at him.

"I honestly do regret many of things I've done or said to you. But now, I've changed so much. I-I really do have strong feelings for you."

I got a warm feeling in my heart. It was almost as if my heart was actually smiling.

"I don't expect you to feel the same way s-"

I interrupt him by smashing my lips against his. I slowly pull back and it takes us both a second to realize what was happening.

He slowly places his hand on the back of my head and like magnets, our lips connect.

His hands travel to my torso, and I cup his cheeks with my hands.

Our lips move in sync, then separate when he pulls my shirt off over my head. My breasts were exposed.

His eyes travel down to look at them. I was never a flat chested girl. I always had good sized breasts.

He moves on top of me and gets on his knees. Without hesitation, he just pulls his boxers off. He had no chill once so ever.

He tugs on my panties, I seductively slide my legs out of them.

He tosses them to the side and spreads my legs apart.

He gently rubs my inner thighs and plants wet kisses on my stomach, and travels down further down.

His tongue glides over my clit, making me squeal. I feel my stomach tense up and my chest rises.

I grasp onto his hair and squeeze my eyes shut as he moves his tongue in a circular motion in my entrance.

He pulls back and takes his two fingers and shoves them in.

My moans reverberate throughout the room.

He slides them in deeper and curves them, so I whimper.

"Ethan!" I murmur.

He pulls his fingers out and sucks them clean.

Before he gets on top of me, I'm smart.

I press my hand against his chest. "Are you forgetting something?"

He looks at me with a blank face, then a clue strikes him.

He snaps his fingers and gets off the bed. He runs to the bathroom and looks through the drawers.

"Bottom left drawer", I say.

I knew where everything was at. That's where Grayson kept condoms at.

He comes back in and I feel my heart rate increase.

He gets back on top of me and kisses my neck with tiny bites.

"Tell me something I wanna hear", he mumbles in my hear.

I don't respond, initially because I actually didn't have a clue as to what he wanted to be called.

He hovers over me and grabs a hold of his dick.

I wrap my legs around his torso, then without warning, he thrusts in.

I grip onto his back as the pain took place at first. Then, it became pure pleasure.

"Say it", he says in my ear, once again.

I moan and bite my bottom lip.

He slowly grinds his hips against mine, while thrusting in deep.

"Ethan", I moan, thinking that's a possibility of what he may be looking for.

"Say it", he grunts.

I try to think of the names I used to call Grayson, and the ones that Ethan has heard us say.


Authors note: Hi loves💗 How are my favorite readers doing? Hope you're enjoying this book! Btw, I made a few other books (The New Girl, Dolan Twin Imagines, and While You Were Asleep) So, if you're interesd, go check 'em out💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 Hope you all had an amazing Tuesday btw! Have a wonderful day/night⭐️


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