twenty five

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Days later

Pam and I both laughed as we shared funny stories.

I considered Pam as one of my really good friends. I hardly knew her, but I did learn a lot about her in the past few days.

We shared quite a lot in common.

Nothing with my cancer has changed. I'm still in the same condition, but I'm very happy. I've been very happy because that's just the way you should live even with pain.

"Pam", I say getting her attention.

"Tomorrow's my birthday", I say.

Her jaw drops. "Oh my god! How old are you turning?"

"Twenty one", I say.

"I'm twenty", she shrugs. "When's your birthday?" I ask.

"Months", she laughs. "What do you wanna do for your birthday?"

"Well, there's not much I can do", I shrug.

"Sure there is", she smiles.

"Like what?"

"You'll see".


Dinner was my favorite time of the day in the hospital. I would get a tray full of foods.

Every meal was the same, but always good.


My pills, orange juice, eggs, toast, hash browns, fruit, and yogurt.


Chicken noodle soup, crackers, vegetables, a sandwich, brownie, and water.


Chicken, potatoes, corn, salad, bread, and water or juice.

And dessert, the best time of the day. I had a variety of choices to choose from.

Ice cream, brownies, jello, cookies, fudge, cake, or pie.

I was currently eating dinner by myself, which I enjoyed. There were times that I wanted to be alone. Other times it would be nice to have company around.

The door opens, and it's doctor Rem.

"Hi Anna, how are you doing?" He asks.

"Pretty good", I nod.

"Good, I heard tomorrow is your birthday. The big 21", he says.

"Yeah", I laugh.

"Now, I've seen a lot of improvement. You've been doing very well, your way more healthier than you've been, so I was thinking what the heck. If you want, you can leave the hospitals to celebrate your birthday with your family and friends".

"Wait, are you serious?"

"I'm serious, but there are rules", he takes a seat on his stool. "You can not drink any kind of alcoholic drink, you can not take any drugs, stay away from sexual activities, and don't party to hard. Just because you get a free pass, does not mean you can do whatever you want".

"I understand".


I was very excited and happy to finally be home. I sat on the couch with Bella on my lap, Pam sitting next to me, and my mom on the other side.

Everyone was everywhere around the house. I don't even know where Grayson is.

"Mommy, how are you?"

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now