thirty one

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It happened. My miscarriage finally took place. I don't know how to feel anymore... I guess I just feel the same.

I learned to always expect the worse so you aren't disappointed.

I stood at the window, watching the rain drops hit the glass. The night was dark and filled with the calming thunderstorm sounds.

Bella was past asleep. Grayson had to go to his unit today, so he should be home any minute now.

The flash of lightning erupts in the sky. It's a new lightning shape I've never seen. The thunder shortly erupts after that making a clash-sound.

I turn back and walk into the kitchen. I turn on my phone and feel disappointed when I see no notifications.

I walk over to the key rack and grab my car keys.


Grayson's POV

When I enter the house, it's past midnight, so it wouldn't be surprising to find no one awake.

Unexpectedly, I hear the sound of the tv coming from the living room. I drop my duffle bag and take off my combat boots and walk into the living room to find Anna sitting on the couch.

She holds a tequila bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. "Anna, what are you doing?"

"Living life until the day I die", she speaks in a raspy voice and coughs. I walk over to her and snatch both from her hands. "You find this a good idea?" I yell.

"Heck yeah", she says then laughs. I turn off the tv and walk to the kitchen.

I throw the cigarette away and put the tequila bottle on the table. She walks in and trips over he feet. "Woah! Watch it", she speaks to nothing.

"How much did you drink?" I panic. "Relax, that's only my second bottle", she laughs. I grasp her by the wrist and pull her closer to me. "You know you're not supposed to be doing this stuff".

"So what", she shrugs with a laugh. I shake my head and grab her by the shoulders. "You're gonna go shower", I say.

"Okay", she laughs and turns around. I grab her arm and pull her with me. "Are you gonna take one with me?" She smirks.

"No", I say firmly. I help her walk up the steps, but she stumbles on each one. "Where are we going?"

"I told you, you're showering".

"Why not go out in the rain?" She mumbles. "Anna, just... stop", I get frustrated.

We make it to the top of the stairs, finally, and enter our bedroom. I walk her to our bathroom and let her pass out onto the floor.

I sigh and try to help her up. "Huh?" She says while opening her eyes.

"Ann, you gotta work with me", I say.
"What are we gonna work on?"

"Getting you in the shower", I get her to stand up.

"I can't take one without a stripper", she pulls off her shirt while mumbling the words because of how wasted she was. "Well, can't help you there. Get in the shower please".


It was now morning. Anna never got out of the bathroom. She's most likely sleeping in the floor.

As I get up, I stretch my arms out before walking to the bathroom. I open the door and was right. She lied there like a rock.

"Anna", I say getting down to help her up. "Hm", she mumbles. "Time to wake up".

"No", I groans. I pick her up bridal-style and carry her to the bed. I lay her down and let her rest. "Once you get motivation to get up, go take a shower".

She doesn't respond. She still looked the same as she did last night.

I head out of the room and see Bella standing outside the door. "Hey little one", I smile. "Mean daddy", she punches my leg.

"Hey, what'd I do?"

She stomps her way down stairs and I follow behind her. "Hey shorty, why are you so grumpy?"

She crosses her arms and continues walking to the kitchen. I laugh and shake my head.

She goes to the dining table and climbs up into her chair. "What do you want for breakfast?" I press my hands against the kitchen counter and look over at her.

She had a pouty look on her face with both hands pressing against her cheeks while her elbows rest on the tables. "Okay, I guess I'll at you broccoli".

"No! I want cereal", she says. I laugh and open the cabinet.

Once her bowl is ready, I carry it over to the table and set it in front of her. "Are you gonna tell me why you're mad?"

She scoops out a scoop of cereal and stuffs it in her mouth. I lean back in my chair and tap my finger against the table.

"You never said goodnight", she pouts. "I'm sorry", I chuckle. "I got home very late. I didn't want to wake you."

She drops her spoon and crosses her arms. "Okay, I'm sorry. Would you like it if I called you on nights I won't be home?"

She nods in response. "Alright", I tickle her arm making her giggle.

I hear something fall down the stairs, most obvious thing would be Anna. I fly out of my chair and head to the stairs to find Anna laying at the bottom with her palm to her forehead.

"Are you okay?" I get down and examine her face. "N-no", she says.

"What's wrong?" I panic. "M-my cancers never gonna leave me, is it?"

"Anna what are you talking about?" I become angry.

"I feel worse than ever", she sheds a tear.

"Don't ever talk like that".

"But Gra-"

"No buts Anna! You are gonna live. I promise you. I know for a fact that you will."

Authors note:
I'm sorry it's been a while. I've been overwhelmingly busy with school. I've decided I'm going to make an update schedule for my stories. Not sure what it's gonna be but I'll let you know. I'm trying so hard to do good in school and maintain good grades. I hope y'all understand. But here's a boring chapter :( sorry. I'm so brain stuck right now. I've been trying so hard to generate good ideas, but it's just been so difficult. I'm sorry. I won't let you guys down I promise. Please stay with me :(

Love you<3


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