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"Alright Anna, for this contraction I want you to push. Okay?"

"Okay", I say in pain.

I hold Grayson's hand, breaking it almost.

They had given me epidural, which I desperately needed.

I push with all I got. This birth was easier than the first. It's only because I didn't ask for epidural the first time.

They offered it, but I said no.

Boy was I dumb..

The pain was a million times worse than a cramp. I wanted to cry, well I was.

I was screaming and crying.

All the pain goes away once I hear the baby's cry.

"It's a girl!" The nurse smiles.

I pant with sweat coming from my forehead. Everything was faint for a short moment until I finally relax.

Grayson kisses my cheek and rubs my hand.

"You did great", he smiles.

I look over at the nurse who's taking care of the baby.

She comes over with a pink blanket, wrapped around the baby.

"Have you guys thought of a name?" She smiles.

I look over at Grayson and shrug. "We actually didn't think that out", he says.

"Alright. It's no big deal, you have time."

She gently hands me my baby. Her warmth and cuteness made me tear up.

I fondle my thumb across her soft cheek.

She was so perfect and everything. Grayson was right next to me, examining what I was doing.

"Any name ideas?" He asks.


"It's perfect", he smiles.

"Middle name?"

"Bella... Bella Marie?"

"I love it", I say.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but listen. Bella Marie Dolan?" She asks.

"Yes", I smile.

"What a perfect name for a beautiful baby", she says.


A week later...

I could never be happier at this moment.

Everything that went on with Ethan, Olivia, or my family wasn't bothering me anymore.


Him whispering sexual things in my ear, threatening me almost. Taking advantage of me when I wasn't able to fight back.


The awful scary texts she sent me, making my mind shift. That night where she had sex with Grayson and I wasn't aware of it. Then finding out she was Ethan's ex.

My family.

My dad always getting all over my case about how I should've been smarter. Him paying for my bills because I'm not financially ready. My grandparents with disappointment in me. My sister constantly telling me that this baby will die.

I was much happier these days. It was just Grayson, Bella, and I.

Bella was healthy as a horse. She was a beautiful girl.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now