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Song for this chp: When We Were Young (Adele) ugh I'm sobbing😭

Waking up in Grayson's arms was a feeling I've missed. I fondle my thumb across his cheek, his perfect smooth skin.

His eyes slowly open, then he blinks a few times.

He smiles weakly and brushes his lips amongst mine. "Good morning", he says against my lips.

Our lips move in sync. "I missed this", I say after he pulls away.

He moves a strand of hair away from my face. "I missed you more than anything."

I kiss his cheek and sit up.

"No, lay back down. You need to rest", he says while rubbing my stomach.

"Gray, I'm not old and weak".

"I don't care. Lay down", he says.

I lay back down and put my hands behind my head.

He stares at me for a good amount of time, until I finally break the silence.

"Can we go get breakfast? And they don't even know you're home".

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

He gets up and searches for a shirt. He puts on a white t-shirt and leaves his black joggers on.

"You can't leave me here", I say as he walks out of the room.

"Fine", he sighs.

He walks over to me and helps me up and holds my hand as we leave the room.

Once we make it down stairs, we hear everyone talking in the kitchen like usual.

"Ready?" I ask him as we stand at the bottom of the staircase.

He looks down the hall that leads to the kitchen and takes a deep breath.

"Lets go", he says and grabs my hand once again.

We slowly enter the kitchen, and everyone becomes silent once they see us.

"Oh my god!" Lisa screams.

Everyone runs up to Grayson and engulfs him in a hug. My mom and Lisa smother him with kisses.

Lisa and my mom even start crying.

I let go of Grayson's hand and walk over to the dining table.

I sit down and watch everyone worship Grayson.

I'm happy that everyone's pleased to see him, but sometimes I just wish it was him and I. Just us and our child.

I grab a piece of bacon from a plate and bite it.

I zone out and try to think about something else.

I think about the times where Grayson and I were alone.

I put on my sandals and quietly walked out my house. I walked over to a fence that connected to his bedroom window.

I climbed up and knocked. He opened it and told me to come in.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. "I'm scared", I said looking down. "Of what?" He asked placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Storms", I said. "Don't be, I'm here", he said wrapping me in his arms.

"Come lay with me", he said laying down on his bed.
I lied down next to him. We snuggled close together. He wrapped his arm around me. He stared at me as if I were a baby. "You're so beautiful", I then blushed.

"I am not", I said. "Shut the fuck up", he said firmly.

"You're the prettiest girl I've met".

I would always make up excuses just to be with him. Today, I didn't have to make an excuse.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Grayson with a towel around his waist.

"Sorry!" I said and immediately closed the door.

Oh how awkward I was...

Now, I didn't even have to apologize for something like that. If I ever 'accidentally' walked in on him taking a shower, I would just join him.

We walked down to the pool and set down our towels. I walked over to the edge to feel how warm the pool was, until Grayson decided to push me in. "Ahh!" I yelled.

I came above water. "Gray!"
He laughed. He front flipped into the pool. "Show off", I said as he came back up above water. He swam over to me. He squinted at me and looked at my eyes. "Your mascacra is running", he said. "Just ignore it", I said.

I straddled my legs around him and snaked my arms around his neck. He placed his hands under my butt holding me up. We kissed. He kissed my neck and I giggled.

Oh how carefree we were. Today we have many responsibilities, especially for being so young.

We're married. I'm already on my second pregnancy.

Ethan comes to the table and suddenly my mood shifts.

I couldn't even look at Ethan without having slight guilt or anxiety.

I leave the table and walk past everyone who's still talking to Grayson.

I don't know how I could tell Grayson that I let Ethan take advantage of me.

He's freaked out one time too many times.

I think I'll have a panic attack again.

I have to keep it a secret, then tell him when the time is right. I have no idea when that will ever be.

I had up the stairs and go straight to my bedroom.

I lay down on my side of the bed. I didn't know how to feel or think.

I'm too stressed for the average seventeen year old.

I don't know what to do. My decisions are changing me. It's time to grow up and get a back bone.

I can't escape my problems.

Authors note: hmmm... what do you think she'll do?

I added some flashbacks from the very beginning chapters!

Honestly my old chapters sucked. My grammar choices were the worse.

I was just a starter at writing stories, but now I'm still progressing.

Anyways, have a great night!


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