thirty two

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Anna's POV

I'm reunited, once again, with the hospital bed I once rested on. I felt trapped when I slept on it.

The nurse surveys a paper and waits for the doctor to arrive. Grayson sat on the chair against the wall.

Bella is with my mom in the lobby. My dad had work, so he couldn't come, although he wanted to.

When the door opens, the doctor plays a smile on his lips and closes the door. He takes a deep breath and looks down at his clipboard.

"How are you Anna?"

"I feel like death", I mumble. He chuckles, "don't worry. You're gonna feel better soon".

Stop lying.

He comes to the side of the bed and sits down on a doctors stool. "I'm gonna ask you some questions. Do you think you can answer them?"

"I'm not stupid", I mock the tone of his voice.

"What are some of your symptoms?"

"Haven't had very many. The reason I'm here is because I got myself wasted, even though you told me not to drink".

"And why did you drink?"

"I'm miserable and wanna enjoy my life while I'm alive. I want the pain to stop".

"Anna, I promise you everything will get better. Soon, you're gonna be healthy and happy. But as for now, you're gonna fight this", he says while holding my hand.

"Why can't I just be peaceful?"

"This is life. Not everything is gonna go your way. Things happen when you don't expect it. You just have to be the bigger and stronger one".

I turn my head to look at the ceiling. "Can we start the next treatment?"

"There is no treatment available to what you have at the moment. For now, we just have to let you rest and give it time to pass".

I clench my jaw and close my eyes. When things don't go my way, I get angry, but I couldn't now.


"Everything is gonna get better".

"That's what the doctor said", I roll my eyes. "But it wi-"

"Pam, I'm done listening to that bullshit. I wanna be better now."

She looks down slowly and sighs. "Anything you want me to do?"

"In fact, yes." I reach over to the left side of the bed and grab my purse. I search through the mess and find a stack of envelopes. Each had a letter inside.

"If something happens to m-"

"Nothing bad is gonna happe-"

"Pam, please", I sigh. She takes a deep breath in and out, then nods.

"If something happens to me, in that case if I don't make it, I want you to deliver these to the ones I wrote to".

She takes the stack and studies it. "Okay?"

She slowly looks up, then nods. Her eyes turned glassy. If she cried, I would cry.


"Mommy! Mommy!" Bella runs in with a giant teddy bear in her arms.

"Hi sweetie", I smile. "I got you this", she hands me the teddy bear.

"Thank you", I smile. Grayson picks her up and kisses her cheek. "How are you feeling?" She looks down at me.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now