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My bedroom door opens revealing Ethan. He wore his boxers only.

He climbs in bed next to me, then starts stripping me down.

The next thing I know, I'm screaming in pleasure.

I wake up screaming from the awful nightmare. My breaths were heavy and raspy.

I feel my stomach as my breathing settles.

Without Grayson, there's no way I'll survive in labor.

Grayson's POV

I grabbed a rag to wipe up my sweat, then the drill Sargent walks out.

"You!" He shouts, pointing at me.

I head over to him to find him smiling.

"How are you Dolan?"

"Um... I'm good", I say firmly.

"Good, good. Well I have good news".

Anna's POV

I sat at the dining table, and my dad places a catalog in front of me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Homes. Choose one you like", he says with a slight smile.

"Dad", I say covering my mouth after.

"No, don't thank me yet. Pick one", he says.

I swipe through the pages and find a nice modern colonial home.

It's big and perfect. It has a beautiful yard and everything.

The price was too was too much though.

"I like this one bu-"

"Thank you", he snatches the catalog away.

I furrow my eyebrows and rest my head on the palm of my hand.

Ethan walks in and sits down.

"Goodmoring Anna", he smiles.

I look up at him and roll my eyes.

Ethan's POV

I've been planning this moment since the day Grayson left.

I would finally make my move.

Anna's POV

I take a sip of my coffee and place it down.

I rub my stomach and look up. Ethan was watching me intensely.

"Ethan, stop staring at me", I say.

His face turns red, but he switches subjects.

"What's for breakfast?" He asks.

"Eggs, bacon, and toast", Lisa says.

"Cool", he says.

"I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go take a shower", I say.


The warm water hits my skin sending a relaxing feeling through my body.

I rub my stomach with soap softly.

I hear the bathroom door open and close. I move the curtain to see who it is.

"Ethan? Get out!" I say.

He locks the door and quickly strips down.

There's nothing I can do at this point, except scream, but Ethan would do anything to make me stop.

He gets in the shower and pulls me close by the hips.

"Ethan, stop!" I say and swing at him.

"Come on. We've done this before. You loved it", he says while inches away from my face.

"You want Grayson so bad, but really I'm better than he is. You even know that my dick is way bigger than his", he says.

"Ethan", I clench my jaw.

"You want pleasure, don't you?"

"I'm married", I say.

"Yeah, but you still want me inside you, right?"

"No", I say trying to pull away from him.

He brushes his lips over mine, and then we're kissing passionately.

As much as I didn't want to do this, I she to admit that Ethan is amazing at sex.

I did miss Grayson and this is my only way to be happy.

I wrap my arms around his neck as the kiss becomes more intense.

He pulls back and gently turns me around.

He puts one hand underneath my stomach.

I feel slide inside of me, making me gasp.

He slowly thrusts in and immediately goes deep.

"Ethan", I moan.

"Shh, baby girl you gotta be quiet", he whispers.
I bite my lip and try to not moan, but with him it's impossible.

He thrusts in harder and deeper.

I felt complete pleasure. I almost felt like I was flying in a way. The way he made me feel was unreal.

"Agh!" I moan as he pounds into me.

"Ethan", I moan loudly as my high approaches.

"Don't scream, or I'll have to punish you".

I didn't scream because his punishments would most likely be bad.

He pulls out before I come. "Ethan", I whine.

"Finish yourself", he says while getting out of the shower.

He just left...

"What the fuck!"


I lay down in bed feeling disgusting for what I let Ethan do to me.

Even if I told him no a million times, he'd just force me.

If Grayson didn't get here soon, I would be in big trouble.

At this point, I'm really scared for giving birth. I can't even handle a menstrual cramp. So how could I handle contractions?

I need Grayson.

Authors note: hola🌺
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