thirty three

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I woke up with the feeling that was different. It's something I've never felt before.

I had a feeling that today would be different. But different how?

The room was quiet. The only sounds that were heard were from the machines. The machines keeping me alive.

I try moving, but it's impossible. It's kinda hard to lift my hand, so that's not a good sign.

I rest my eyes until company arrives, which I pray doesn't happen.

But just as I thought, the door opens. I see the doctor with a thin pile of papers. He looked sleep deprived.

"How are you Mrs. Dolan?"

"I'm okay", I murmur. Grayson had gone home for the night, on my orders. He should be back soon, knowing him.

"I have some news", he says in a low voice. "I'm listening".

He flips a few pages, then sighs. "Well, the good news is your leukemia is slowly going away. The bad news is you have a lung disease, which is terminal".

Every word spoken gave me anxiety. I nod slowly and look down at my hands. "Okay".

"You have optio-"

"Why can't I just die already? Why wait?"

"Mrs. Dolan, you deserve to live a happy live. You should have a chance to live on, especially since you've always had a good li-"

"I've had a fucked up life", I say firmly, then the silence reoccurs.

"I'm sorry", he says quietly. "I just want to be happy", I sigh. "We have options."

"I don't need anything", I shake my head. "But Mrs. Dola-"

"No. I don't want anything". He doesn't respond, and even if he did I would still continue to be my argumentative-self.

"Okay", he sighs. "But you're going to need them eventually".

"Not today", I clench my jaw.


Grayson fell asleep in the chair, like usual. I lied on the bed still as a rock. I had nothing to do besides either sleep, complain, write, or draw.

The only thing I found entertaining was being able to rant to Grayson all the time. He would just sit there, most likely not even listening, but at least he doesn't interrupt.

He'll always nod his head in agreement to what I say whether he agrees or disagrees. I will argue my way to prove I'm right if he claims I'm wrong.

I didn't enjoy it when Grayson was sleeping considering I had no one to talk to. I miss Bella. I haven't seen her in two days, which is a lot for me. I'm seeing her this afternoon thankfully.

I feel a sudden pain occur in my chest that applies pressure quickly.

I put my hand to my chest and feel the pressure go to my head. I take my other hand and grab the emergency button which calls in the staff.

I try hitting Grayson's arm, but I'm too weak.

I'm having a heart attack


Grayson's POV

"How is she?" I panic. The doctor blocks my view of the small window to look into her room.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now