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Weeks later...

"You may now kiss the bride", the minister says with a close of a book.

Ethan cups my cheeks, and our lips connect. Everyone claps and cheers.

His lips were plump, like usual. Today, he just looked amazing.

We pull away from the kiss and I see Bella, who was the flower girl, tossing tiny pedals onto the floor of the aisle.

Ethan grabs my hand, and our fingers interlock.

We walk down. I see everyone from my family smiling, some even crying.

The room becomes silent when the church doors swing open. Holding a gun is...

"No!" I scream while waking up from my dream.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay", Ethan says as he wraps his arms around me for comfort.

"I'm here", he whispers against my skin.

My heart beat begins to go back to normal. I pant from the nightmare, which I have been having for the past few weeks.

"I-It was h-him", I begin.

"It's okay. Babe, I'm here", he kisses my cheek and allows me to lay back down.

I shift to my side to face him. I curled my legs up and pressed my thighs up to my stomach.

Ethan has been there to calm me night after night.

I kept having the same dreams. It would be Ethan and I all happy, then Grayson would come to ruin it.

It was making me petrified.

I was starting to have doubts.


Ethan played with Bella in the living room as I made breakfast.

I hear him doing voices for toys, which actually is the funniest thing.

I smile as I watch Bella laugh.

ding dong

"I'll get it", I shout.

I set down a spoon and run to the door. When I open it, I'm greeted by the mailman, which wasn't unusual.

In our neighborhood, the mailman would come up to your door.

"Good morning Mrs. Dolan", he smiles.

"Hey George, how are you today?" I ask.

"Not bad, thanks. Yourself?"

"Couldn't be better".

He searches through a pile and passes me a stack of letters.

"Till next Monday", he says.

I smile and walk back into the house while searching through the pile.

I see a letter from the War Department.

I conceal my excitement and run to the kitchen.

I quickly open letter and begin to read with a big cheeky smile.

Dear Mrs. Dolan:

I deeply regret that your husband, Major Grayson B. Dolan, 37,665,847, is missing in action (MIA) from the battle since September 3rd, 2016.
I am sorry I can give you no further details. Should additional information become available, you will be notified directly by the War Department or the International Red Cross.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now