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December (one month later) ...

Everyone was joyful, because it was Christmas of course.

Wrapping paper was all around the living room. My mom was a clean freak and cleaned the entire time.

I sat next to Grayson on the couch. I had gotten baby stuff for presents.

Not that I don't appreciate it, I do, it's just sometimes I wish I would be able to get things for myself.

"Do you like your gifts?" I ask him.

"Mhmm", he nods.

"That's not very convincing", I say. "I like them all", he laughs.

"Okay, I have one last gift for Grayson and Anna", my dad says.

Everyone goes silent and looks over at us.

He hands us a thick white envelope. "Passports?" Grayson says sarcastically as he opens the envelope.

He pulls out a bunch of paper.

He unfolds them and we both read it.

Both of our faces are written in shock.

"Dad", I cover my mouth.

"Well tell everyone!" My mom says.

"We got a house". Everyone smiles and begins talking.

Grayson and I both hug my dad.

I didn't even know it, but I was crying.

This felt so unreal.

I already knew that the whole process of moving would be stressful.

It would take forever.

But as for right now, I want to enjoy my happiness.

I still can't believe that my dad bought us the house I picked out. It was way too expensive.

I can't say anything, but thank you. Thank you dad.


A week later...

I looked in the bathroom mirror at my stomach, examining it for almost a half hour.

Grayson walks in wearing just his boxers. He kisses my shoulder and walks to the toilet.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I'm late", I sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm almost on my tenth month Gray. I was supposed to have this baby weeks ago."

"It's gonna come any second. Everything will be fine", he says.

"Okay, I can't talk to you while you're taking a shit", I say before leaving the bathroom.

I leave our bedroom and head downstairs.

Boxes were scattered throughout our new home. I felt really bad because Grayson had to do everything.

I just wanted the baby to be born now so I could help Grayson.


Grayson laughs as we watch 21 Jump Street.

I couldn't laugh because I was too stressed and paranoid.

I get up from the couch and pace around in front of the tv.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

"Can you take me to the hospital?"

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now