twenty seven

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I intertwine my fingers through his hair as I rest my eyes. His light snores filled the quiet room.

His head rested amongst my chest.

I think about last night and feel my cheeks heat up. I ignore the embarrassment by letting out a laugh.

Flashback to last night:

"Ugh!" I moan as he hits my climax.

My breaths became heavier as he bit my neck. He places wet kisses all over my neck as well.

As he thrusts in deeper, I moan loudly. "Gray!" I whimper.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Bella yells.

Both of our eyes widen. He pulls out and covers us with the sheets.

"Bella, you're supposed to knock. And why aren't you in bed?" Grayson asks with a lack of breath.

"Stop hurting mommy!" She yells.

I can't help it but laugh, but I hide it. "No, honey. He's not".

"Come on Bell", Grayson gets out of bed and throws his boxers on.

He walks over to her and picks her up, then heads out of the room.

End of flashback.

I smile and giggle. Grayson lifts his head with the messiest hair I've ever seen.

"Good morning", I peck his lips.

He blinks and lies his head back down. "Tired?" I ask.

"No, I just woke up", he mumbles.

I kiss his head and caress his hair.

"It's gonna be awkward around Bella this morning", he says.

I laugh again.

Then, there's two knocks at our bedroom door.

"What the fu- she's up?" He says.

He gets out of bed and walks to the door. "Pants!"

He looks down and notices he's naked. He grabs his boxers and throws them on.

Not gonna lie, him naked is the best sight.

He opens the door and looks down at Bella. "Are you down hurting mommy?"

"Yes", he laughs.

She runs past him and climbs in bed. She climbs on me and grabs my face. "She's not hurt!"

"Nope, she's not", Grayson says.

I glance at Grayson. "Should we explain it to her?"

He sighs and grabs Bella.

"Bell, last night... I wasn't hurting mom".

"Yes you were! She was crying!" She says.

"No, she okay, my point is I wasn't hurting her. We were simply having sex. I know you don't know what that is, but married couples do that. It's nothing to be scared, mad, or worried about. It's just love", he explains.

She furrows her eyebrows. "Huh?"

"You'll understand one day", he says.

The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now