twenty six

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I'm reunited with the hospital bed I was in before, once again.

Definitely didn't miss this.

When something good happens, it always ends up bad, or at least that's what it's like for me.

Like I said before, I wish my life could be different.

"Why did this happen again?" I randomly ask.

"It's just apart of your cancer. Things like this will happen, but only if you're up and moving. But this was not severe. You're actually fine now, so I will allow the opportunity for you to be able to go home", he explains.

"Really?" I say.

He nods while writing on his clipboard.

"I will be writing you a list of things you should be aware of, like what's normal and what's not. I will also be sending medication home with you."

I was actually very happy now. I just wanted to be home in my own bed. Not some bed that possibly has had people who lied here dying.


When I arrive home, Bella comes running up to me. I pick her and hold her like it was my last. "Mommy, I missed you", she smiles.

"It's been what? 12 hours?"

"So?" She laughs.

Pam walks around the corner and smiles.

Grayson hands her money, which tells me she had babysat Bella while I was at the hospital.

"Oh, no you don't have to pay me. I'm a friend, and I don't need your money", she says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I'm positive", she nods.

I sigh, "okay, then".

"Bye pammy", Bella says. "Bye sweetie", she smiles.

"Thanks so much Pam", Grayson says.

"No promblem".

He opens the door for her, then I set Bella down.

I follow Pam out the door and close the door once I'm outside. "Pam, I wanna thank you for all you've done", I say.

"You're welcome. It's really not a big deal".

I pause for a moment and look down at the ground. "You should come over again some time this week. Maybe we could drink coffee and talk", I say.

"I'd love that", she smiles.


I re-read the list of restrictions while sitting on the couch. I set the other lists to the side.

Do not:
Take drugs
Drink alcohol
Be involved in extremely intense sports/physical activities
Eat/drink high sugar foods/drinks
Stress too much
Have unprotected sexual intercourse

Get hours of sleep
Drink water; stay hydrated
Eat healthy food

You can:
Take regular prescribed medication
Have sexual intercourse (use protection!)

Well, it's not too bad as I thought. Except I can't have wine anymore.

Grayson scrolls through his phone, doing who even knows.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asks as is eyes are still glued to his phone.

"Mhmm", I mumble.

I stand up and turn off the tv. He stands up and walks towards the stairs while staring at his phone still.

I'm tempted to grab his phone and chuck it at the wall.

I follow behind him, but he walks slower since he's on his phone.

I sigh and push his back making his chest hit the stairs, first.

"Ow", he yells. "Get off your phone", I just stood there watching him rub his chest from the pain.

"I was reading something", he says in pain.

"Toughen up", I smack his chest. He looks at me as he stands back up.

I take his phone from the step it fell onto.

He tries grabbing it from me, but I move my hand quickly.

I look at the screen. "Anna! Give it!" I push my hand against his chest so he can't reach it.

I see the title in the search bar: how to masturbate quietly

My jaw drops and I burst out laughing. "Give me my fucking phone!"

I hand it to him and laugh at him. "You are such a moron", I say.

He rolls his eyes and runs up the stairs.

I follow him and enter our bedroom.

I close the door and walk to the bathroom.

I look at the shower, then at myself in the mirror, then over at Grayson who's getting undressed.

"Hmm", I mumble to myself.

I tap my finger against the bathroom counter and bite my lip.

I leave the bathroom and walk up behind Grayson. I wrap my arms around him.

The side of my face was against his bare back.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing", I shrug.

I kiss his back and stroke my hands up and down his torso.

I walk away from him and open one of my dresser drawers.

I search through one and find an oversized shirt, but then an idea sparks my mind.

I set it down and search through the drawer to the left.

I grab some clothes.

I close the drawer and look back over at Grayson who's giving me a weird look. "What?" I shrug.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door.


Grayson's POV

I was on my phone, laying in bed, the whole time Anna was in the bathroom.

She was acting very strange tonight.

The bathroom door opens, and my phone drops from my hands.

She stands in the door frame wearing a black laced bra with a black laced thong.

She walks over to the bed and climbs on top of me.

"No need to masturebte", she winks.

Authors note: why did I laugh at the last part😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Haha I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but I did warn you!
I'll update again tonight though :)


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