twenty one

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"Then the pink princess lied in peace. The prince knew he had to live on and be happy".

I guess I can say the book I was reading was pretty advanced for her age, but she insisted that I read it.

"Mommy, I don't like it", she says as I set the book back on her book shelf.

"Don't like what?"

"The book", she frowns.

I sit back down in the chair next to her bed. "Not every book has a happy ending honey", I say.


"Because it's the way of real life", I say.

She furrows her eyebrows. "You'll learn one day", I kiss her forehead and fix her bed sheets.

"Goodnight sweetie", I say.

"Goodnight mommy", she says as I walk to the door.

I turn off her light and close the door.

I see Grayson who was standing outside the door the whole time.

I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I heard about your argument with Mrs. Nora", he says while placing his hands on my waist.

"Who told you that?"

"Mrs. Nora. She's pretty scared of you", he chuckles.

"I'm glad", I smile and head towards the stairs.

"I made you dinner", he says as he follows behind me.

"I ate at six", I say. "Well I had to be at the base all day, so it would be nice to eat with my wife for one night", he says.

I chuckle and walk into the dining room. "Oh, you weren't lying", I survey the food.

He had made spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and some wine.

"I did", he smiles.

I shake my head and walk to my seat.

"You shouldn't have", I say.

"Well I did", he says while pouring wine into our glasses.

"No, you really shouldn't have. I'm really not hungry".

"You say that every time we have dinner", he sighs.

"Well, I'm not lying".

"Okay, well more for me then", he smiles.


I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Grayson walked in holding a towel.

"You gonna join?" He squeezes my waist.

"I'm too tired", I say.

"There's always something", he sighs.

"Sorry", I murmur.

He turns on the shower and takes off his shirt.

I glance over at him. His large muscles stood out and flexed. I put my toothbrush away and wash my mouth.

"Final chance", he says.

I turn and see him smirking. I roll my eyes and walk out of the bathroom.

I'm pulled back by two arms wrapping around my waist. "Grayson", I laugh.

"You're so tense. Lighten up a bit", he kisses my neck. He knew how to make me weak.

He turns me around and kisses my lips. He grips on the bottom of my shirt, but I push his hands away.

"Gray", I gasp. He furrows his brows. "Come on, I'm tired", I whine.

He sighs and looks to his left, then slowly glares back at me and smirks. "Stop", I laugh.

He grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head. "Holy shit!" He says.

"W-what?" I panic.

"Damn you've lost a lot of weight", he has a shocked expression plastered on his face.

I look down and find myself in shock. "Why haven't you been eating", he cups my cheeks aggressively.

"I-I just haven't been hungry", I say.

"Don't lie", he sounded desperate.

"Gray, I haven't had an appetite", I say.

I really didn't know what was wrong with me.

He grips his hair and traces his eyes up and down my body. "Anna, this isn't good".

I didn't look anorexic. I just lost a lot of weight than usual.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"See a doctor", he says.


We sat in the paitents room. I sat on the little table with a coutuon.

Bella sat on Grayson's lap.

"This is stupid", I say to Grayson.

"It's best for you", he says.

The door opens, interrupting our conversation.

"Hey guys", the doctor smiles.

The nurse with him takes a seat at the computer.

"So, what seems to be going on?" He sits down on a stool and holds a brown clipboard in his hands.

"Um.. I've lost a lot weight, which is unusual for me", I say.

"Alright, what seem to be some symptoms you've been experiencing?"

"Dizziness, lost of appetite, fatigue... um... I got bruises on my hands... um... weakness.."

He moves his pen around his paper and glances up at me. "And this is all leading to weight loss?"

"I wouldn't know", I shrug.

He bites the end of his pen and surveys the paper.

"I'll be right back", he smiles.

The nurse and him both leave the room. "What do you think?" I ask.

"Um.. could just be a virus. I don't know", he shrugs.

I sigh and play with my clammy hands. I was petrified of being at the doctors. So many memories haunt me.


The twins passing away...

I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

"Mommy, are you having a baby?"

Grayson and I burst out laughing. "No", we both say.

"Aw", she frowns. I glance at Grayson. His smile falls slowly.

"Why?" I ask her. She shrugs, "if you do, the babies name will be Ethan".

Grayson weakly smiles and plays with Bella's hair.

The door opens. "Hey guys. So... I'm gonna take some blood tests if you don't mind. The results should be given to you in a few weeks".

Authors note Shhhhhiiiii😥

What do you think is wrong with her? Do you guys also notice my foreshadows🤔 If you didn't know this, I have foreshadowed A LOT throughout this book😬

BTW the picture in the beginning is supposed to represent what anna looks like (her body)

See ya💕


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