twenty nine

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Anna's POV

"Oh... hello officer", Grayson says.

"Sir, I was called by, I believe your daughter, and was told you were hurting your wife. But in real terms, domestic abuse".

My face turns red and my stomach turns.

"No, he wasn't. Why would she th-"

Grayson and I both laugh while the officer stands there in confusion.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"We were having sex. She keeps thinking I'm hurting her mom, but I'm not. I tried explaining it to her, but it didn't work apparently", Grayson explains.

Grayson wasn't sounding smart at all, considering he is drunk.

"Sir, this is not a time to be funny. You do understand that you can be put in jail for something like this, don't you?"

Grayson nods. "By law, I must investigate the home to make sure the everything is fine."

"But everything is fi-"

"Would you like me to call the chief?" He asks.


We walk with the officer to the door after he investigated the home. "Sorry, officer. She's only four. She didn't know".

"Well, explain better next time. If this happens again, you will be charged. Goodnight", he says.

"Goodnight sir", Grayson says.

He closes the door and looks at me. "Bella!" He yells.

I hear little footsteps from upstairs. "Get down here!"

She stands at the top of the staircase playing with her hands.

Grayson had a pissed off look. "I'll handle this", I say.

He grabs my shoulder. "No, I will", he says firmly.


"She did that?" Pam was shocked.

"Yeah", I laugh.

We continue walking in the mall, then enter Victoria's Secret.

"Ooh, I bet Grayson would like it if you wore this", Pam winks and holds up a full piece of lingerie. The thing connected with the bra.

"Pam", I laugh.

"I need perfume", she says while putting the outfit back.

"I want a pretzel", I say.

"Woah, we just ate a full meal like ten minutes ago", she says.

"I know. I've just been so hungry", I say.

She glares at me and furrows her eyebrows.

"Are you... pregnant?"

My stomach explodes.

I... might be...

I've been vomiting, having massive headaches, cravings, and my boobs have gotten bigger.

I didn't respond. I zoned out to think.

"After you came home from the hospital last week, when did you and Grayson have sex?"

"The night I came home, but also last night too", I say.

"Okay, then you obviously didn't use a condom the first time, last week, because it takes a week".

I cover my mouth. "Oh my god".

"Girl! This is great!"

I shake my head.


I hover over the bathroom sink and look down at the stick.


It's the third test and still the same results.

I texted Pam the news and she was happy, but also sorry.

I wasn't supposed to have unprotected sex.

Grayson tries opening the bathroom door, but it's locked.

"Babe, can I come in?"

I wipe my eyes and push the pregnancy test into a drawer. "Yeah", I mumble.

I unlock the door and open the door.

He furrows his eyebrows and walks in.

"You okay?" He rubs my waist.

"Mhmm", I nod.

He walks to the drawers and my heart stops. "No!" I say as he opens the drawer I put the testers in.

"What?" He asks.

I don't respond. I just stand there like an idiot.

He looks back down and then his mouth opens.

"Are these... new?"

He looks up at me and waits for my response.

He's gonna kill me.

I walk out of the bathroom and run out to go downstairs.

"Why are you running?" He shouts.

I enter the kitchen and grab a knife. I didn't know what was wrong with me at this moment.

"Anna!" He screams. I didn't know he was following me.

He grabs the knife from my hand before I can even get it near my stomach.

I fall on the ground sobbing. "Anna! What is wrong with you!"

He picks me up and grabs my shoulders, turning me so I'm forced to look at him.

"What the hell are you doing!" He shakes me.

"I-I'm pregnant".

"I know, I saw the pregnancy tests, Anna. Why were you going to stab yourself!"

"Because I'm going to die", I fall into his arms.

He sits on the ground with me in his arms. "Anna, stop saying that. You aren't doing to die", he clenches his jaw.

"The baby is going to die Grayson. There's no doubt about it", I sob.


As I lay on the hospital bed, getting an ultrasound, I look at the screen.

"I'm afraid it's too early to see the baby", the nurse says.

"But I need to know now", I sob.

The nurse watches me cry. "Is she okay?" She asks Grayson.

"She's just having a really bad day", he says.

She nods.

"Leave!" I cry.

She quickly leaves the room, leaving me to cry even more.

"Ann, everything's gonna be okay."

The door opens up, and it's the doctor.

"Please tell me I'm gonna be fine", I whisper to myself.

"So, I did some tests on both your cancer and pregnancy. I'm very sorry, but you will have a miscarriage."

I was still crying. "Got anymore wonderful news?" I say loudly.

Grayson squeezes my hand. "Ma'am, I am terribly sorry. I wish there was something I could do. Believe me, I am trying my best".

Authors note: sorry, this was kinda sad😞 I was watching Grey's Anatomy all morning. I'm on season 3 lol. But I'm loving McDreamy😫 McSteamy is okay. I'm McNugget :) so call me that please!!!!!


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