twenty four

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"You did great", the nurse squeezes my wrist and smiles.

I have a pained smile. The first treatment wasn't that bad. They just inserted medication into my body that would try to fight off the white blood cells.

Although, it was only one out of the many treatments I have to go through.

She gathers her clipboard and leaves the room. Grayson stayed by me the whole time.

The door opens back up and I see Bella zooming in.

"Mommy!" She says.

I see my mom enter the room.

Bella climbs onto the bed and crawls up to me. "No no no", Grayson says while picking her up from the bed.

She sits on his lap. "Mommy, what's wrong?"

"I'm just sick. That's all", I say. She had no reason to know what was really going on, or at least not right now.

My mom weakly smiles through the pain of looking at me in this condition. She walks to the side of me and I see a tear fall.

"Mom, please don't", I say. She wipes her thumbs across the bottom of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's just so hard", she mumbles.

"I know", I slightly whisper.

"Um... your um... grandparents came", she says still wiping her eyes while resisting to cry.

"Great", I mumble.

I hear chatter from the outside of the door, knowing it's both sides, Grayson's grandparents and my grandparents.

"Well, come on Bella. Let's go get some food", my mom says.

They both head to the door. My mom gives me a 'good luck' look before opening the door.

I then see all four grandparents scatter into my room while bickering about the usual.

"Anna!" My grandma says while waddling over to me.

"Are you still dating Harrison?" My grandpa asks. "It's Grayson!" His grandpa hollers.

"Are you done having children?" One asks. "Is your brother still a prick?" Another asks.

"Paul, where's my blanket?" One says. "Are there any bathrooms around here?"

"Excuse me!" The nurse shouts over their talking.

They all turn their attention towards her. "Please leave the room. Your loud talking is disturbing our patients. And Mr. George?"

"What", grandpa George says in his deep raspy voice. "You need to apologize to the security guard for calling him, as quoted, an 'ungrateful nigger'".

"Aw, that little mothafucker", he mumbles.

My grandpa had a big truckers language. He was always cursing.

They all storm out of the room and finally I'm reunited with the silence.

"Why are they here", I groan.

"Who knows", Grayson sighs. "I'm gonna go get something to eat, okay?"

"Okay", I weakly smile.

He gets up and heads to the door.

Coming in as he walks out is Pam.

She smiles and slowly walks to the chair. "Hi, I was hoping we could talk", she says.

"Yeah, absolutely", I say. She fixes her hair and sighs.

"I just feel so bad for you. I wish there was something that could be done to make you better", she says.

"Thank you", I say quietly.

"Have you found out any information?"

"No, besides I'm in stage 3 now", I say.

"That's terrible", she says with sadness.

"I'll be fine", I nod.

She looks down at her lap and sighs. "I saw your daughter. She's beautiful", she says.

"Thank you", I smile. "I don't know what it's like to have kids", she shrugs.

"It's a joy", I say. "I hope I have kids of my own one day".

"You will", I nod. "I just.. can't find that special someone", she looks off into space.

"How did you and Grayson fall in love?" She asks.

"We actually have been best friends since day one, and here we are", I say.

"You guys are perfect", she blushes.

HA that's actually really funny

"Not really", I mutter.

She didn't hear me, thank god.

"Pam, thank you for being a great... friend, if I may call you that".

"Yes, you can call me that. I would love to be your friend", she says.

I smile and look at the door. I felt like I could trust her. I actually had more trust in her than I've ever had for any of the other friends I've had.

"Well, I should get going", she says.

I watch her head to the door. "I'll see you later?"

"Absolutely", I smile.

She smiles back and slowly leaves the room.


Grayson had his eyes glued to his book that he held in his hands while sitting in the chair.

I just lied in the bed like there was no tomorrow. Well, for me there may not be.

"Gray?" My voice cracks, but I clear my throat.

He looks away from his book within less than a second.

"If I... if I die, I want you to marry Pam".

I could feel the anger forming in him. "Anna, I'm not marry Pam or anyone", he says.

"And you're not going to die so stop talking like that", he looks back at his book, clearly angry with me.

"I'm just speaking theoretically", I shrug.

"Ann, you know I hate when you talk about this. I don't want you talking like this. I'm not going to marry anyone else, ever".

"Gray, I want you to. I want you to be happ-"

He drops his book and leaves the room.

I sigh and reach over to my nightstand that had my phone, a water, an emergency button, a book, paper, and a pencil.

I grab the pencil and some paper.

I grabbed a book so I could have a flat surface to write on. My instincts were just telling me that my time was limited.

I just wanted to be ready for anything and do what I can before anything happens.

Then I start writing.

Dear Grayson,

Authors note: heyyyyy!!!!!


What did y'all think?

Anyways, I'm very sick so that means I can update again!

What are your thought on Pam btw.


The Boy in My Heart | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now