Chapter 7: Just friends..or more?

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Chapter 7: Just friends...or more?


I walked into my apartment, holding Amy in a baby carrying position. I carried her into my bedroom where I placed her on my bed. I lifted the covers over her and smiled as she nudged her head into the pillow.

Once she seemed comfortable I made my way into the kitchen and sat at the table, opening my laptop. I had countless notifications on Twitter with fans tweeting about how much they enjoyed the concert. I was so grateful to every single fan. Me and Ryan wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for the Shark Face Gang. We loved them.

I read a couple of tweets and responded to a few before I shut the laptop and jumped on the couch. Exhausted I laid on my back facing the ceiling and slowly closed my eyes.


I woke up, looking around to see that yet again I was surrounded by an unfamiliar room. "I dont remember getting wasted last night, how did I end up here?" I whispered, confused at where I was.

A voice came from the kitchen and got closer, "You fell asleep, I didn't want to wake you so I brought you back to my place." It was Ben's voice.

"Was I drunk? Did we sleep together? Omg!" I said shocked.

"No and no" he replied, laughing at how confused I was.

"Oh okay, thats good!" I said. I wouldn't have minded if we had slept together to be honest, but I kept that to myself.

He appeared at the door and gave me a slight smile, "You're cute when you're sleeping ya know" He said with a wink.

I smiled, "Stalker" I replied in a sarcastic tone.

I couldn't help but think about how hot he looked. He had an edgy style but I liked it. It was unique. He was my type of guy.


I walked to the door, hearing Amy talking to herself...

"I don't remember getting wasted last night. How did I end up here?"

I explained the situation and assured her that nothing happened. Although I would have liked it too, but I thought it might be a bit too soon.

She was so cute when she slept, she mumbled to herself and bit her lip. She still looked attractive this morning, with bed hair and smudged mascara.

"Would you mind If I used your shower?" She asked me.

"Be my guest" I replied, pointing towards the bathroom.

"Call me if you need anything" I added, as I walked back towards the kitchen.

10 minutes later she called my name. I walked into the bedroom and saw her standing there with a towel rapped around her. Damn, she was fine, I thought to myself.

"Yeah?" I waited for her to talk.

"Can I borrow some clothes? I slept in mine so there kinda dirty."

She gave a slight smile, looking at the pile of clothes that she had previously been wearing, now in a heap on the floor.

"Yeah sure, they might be a bit big.." I said, going to my closet and picking a top and a pair of joggers.

"Here you go" I chucked the clothes in her direction and headed out of the room. I couldn't get the image of her standing there in nothing but a towel out of my head.

Five Minutes later she strolled out into the kitchen and stood in front if me,

"How do I look?" She winked playfully.

"Cat walk material" I grinned back at her.

How could this girl still look amazing. She looked cute in my clothes and even when her hair was in a scruffy bun, she was still hot. Wow this girl.


I buttoned up the long shirt and slipped on the joggers. Walking into the bathroom and staring at the mirror. I slumped my hair into a messy bun and headed out into the kitchen. Ben turned around, hearing my feet walking across the wooden floor. He smiled.

"How do I look?" I winked.

"Catwalk material" He grinned at me.

I saw him checking me out. Not that I minded. I was insecure about my body, but with Ben it felt different. I felt like I didn't have to care. I jumped up onto the counter, he moved towards me.

"What are we gunna do today then?" I asked him.

"Movie day and pizza?" He already knew me too well.

He stood in front of me, placing his hands so they were resting on my knees. It felt right. I looked into his crystal-like eyes. He looked into mine. It was time.

He leaned in and put his hands on my hips. I pulled him closer as I sat on the counter. My hands rested on the back of his neck. He then placed a long, soft kiss on my lips. I returned it. Im sure he could feel me smiling as our lips connected. I wanted this moment to last forever. But that wouldn't be the case. There was a knock on the door.

I pulled away, "Are you gonna get that" I asked, still grinning.

"They'll go in a minute" He smiled, returning his lips back to mine. The knocking got louder. "Do not move, i'll be back to continue this" he winked as he turned around, walking to the door.

He swung it open to reveal Tricia. Oh shit this was going to be awkward.

"What took you so long?" She asked, stepping in. Her question was answered as she saw me sitting on the counter, wearing bens clothes. It was obvious to her that I had stayed the night.

Ben looked at me, confused as to what was happening.

"Oh, I see now" she glared at me an then to Ben. "Im just here to get the last of my things. I'll be quick and let you get back to whatever it was you were um...doing" She said, still glaring at us.

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