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Chapter 22: Bright Lights Big News


I buttoned up my shirt and put a jacket on. I was going for the smart casual look. I turned around to see Amy standing there in a beautiful dress.

"You ready to go? The tables booked for 8." Amy told me, I just stared at her beauty. Wow. I couldn't believe I was able to call her my girlfriend. She was stunning.

I walked over, "Yep, and you look beautiful by the way!" I said, placing my arms around her waist and pulling her in for a long kiss. I grabbed the key card off of the side and handed it to Amy who put it in her purse. We walked out and out appeared Ryan and Jackie from the room next door.

"Wow, girls you look beautiful" Ryan said.

"I second that!" I agreed.

We stepped into the elevator and made our way to the bottom floor. We all walked out and were greeted by the crew who all stood in a clump.

"Lets go" Zach said, ushering us out of the door.


We stepped out into the cold air of New York City. The honking of taxi horns and the buzz of the big apple filled my ears. I grabbed Jackie's hand, linking our fingers, and walked down the sidewalk. Ben and Amy did the same as they walked in front of us. The crew were all laughing and singing as they walked at the front of the group. We had to stop on 5 separate occasions as we were walking to the restaurant to sign autographs and take pictures, we didn't mind though.

"Should we tell Ben and Amy?" I said to Jackie as we continued to walk.

"Lets wait until after the show tomorrow" She said back to me.

"Okay, ahhh I'm so excited I cant contain myself!!!" I said, leaning over towards Jackie so nobody heard.


We approached the restaurant. It seemed nice. It was quite high class, I could tell. We walked in and were shown to our table. I sat next to Jackie and opposite Ben. The night was filled with laughing, drunk crew members, embarrassing stories and tour adventures, also the occasional whisper between Ryan and Jackie about something...

After the meal, it was about 11 pm.

Me and Ben fancied a walk before we headed back to the hotel, so we told everyone we'd see them in the morning.

We exited the restaurant, said goodnight to everybody and headed down towards the buzz of times square. Ben was holding my hand the whole way, but he had to put the hood up on his coat because people would have noticed him and he just wanted it to be me and him for a while.

"There's something I want to ask you" He said to me.

"It better not be a marriage proposal, its too early for that" I joked, we both laughed.

"No, I wondered if you'd want to move in, permanantely?" He asked me. His eyes glistened in the lights of times square and he gave me a loving look.

"Ben, I--I'd love too!" We stopped and I hugged him tightly. I never wanted to let go. I inhaled the scent of salted pretzels and roasted chestnuts as I brought my lips up to his.

"I love you so much" I said to him, kissing him again.

"I love you too Amy" He said, accepting the kiss I was giving him.

We carried on walking for another 10 minutes or so before we headed back in the direction of the hotel.

"Its getting cold" I said, shivering and moving closer to Ben to gain warmth. He took his coat off and placed it over my shoulders, putting an arm around me and pulling me back into him.

"This is what a good boyfriend does right?" Ben laughed.

"Yeah but you're not a good boyfriend" I said bluntly.

He had a worried look on his face and it looked like he was going to cry.

"You're a great boyfriend!" I declared with a massive grin across my face.

He breathed out, "Phew, you scared me for minute!" He said, laughing.

"Hahah Gotcha!" I chuckled back at him.


When we arrived at the hotel I could tell Amy was in a cuddling mood so we both undressed until we were in our underwear. I then chucked her one of my tops and crawled into bed. I held her so that I was pressed to her back and my head rested in her shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her waist and we both fell into a deep sleep.

*The Next Morning*


We both woke up in the same position we fell asleep in. We got dressed and waited outside Ryan's & Jackie's room.

Ryan opened the door and smiled,

"Guys, can you come in here we want to tell you something."

I started to worry, was something wrong? But Ryan looked happy. Extremely happy in fact.

We walked in and Jackie stood up from the sofa and went over to join Ryan, who put his arm around her.

"I dont know how to say this because it's a big thing and I don't want everyone knowing right now but your our best friends and we cant wait any longer and Ryan was getting excited and--" Jackies babbling was cut off by Ryan shouting,

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY" The grin on his face went from ear to ear and he placed his hand on Jackie's stomach.

"OH MY GOD BRO THAT IS AMAZING IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS" I said running over and hugging Jackie and then doing the same with Ryan.

Tears welled up in Ryan's eyes, "Im gunna be a daddy Ben. Im gunna have a child."

Amy ran over and hugged Jackie, then went and did the same to Ryan.

"That is the best news EVER!" Amy said, jumping up and down.

Jackie continued, "And we would like you two to be the god parents. You're pretty much family anyway!" My eyes were also welling up now. I was going to be a god father. My best friend wanted me to be the god father of his baby. This was amazing.

I hugged Amy who had a massive smile across her face.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS OMG IM GUNNA BE A GOD MUMMY" She said in the most excited voice I had ever heard her use.

"Can you guys keep it on the down low though because we dont want this getting out just yet. The only people that know are us, our families and now you guys" Ryan explained.

"Your secret is safe with us" Amy said, staring at me with her big blue eyes.

I was so happy for Ryan. He deserved this. I knew how happy Jackie made him, and now they were starting a family.

"Well we have some news too. Maybe not as big as a baby, but Amy's moving in!" I said happily.

I pulled her closer and grinned.

"Thats amazing news, its about time too!" Ryan said.

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