Chapter37: London

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Chapter 37: London


It had been around 12 days since Amsterdam. We had travelled to Germany, Norway, Italy,Spain,Mexico and various other places. Tonight we were in London. It was the third to last date on the Europe tour. We just had Scotland and Dublin left.

We had arrived here about 7 this morning. We went straight to the hotel and slept until around 10am, as we were exhausted.

It was now 11:30am and me and Amy fancied a walk through the streets of London. We got on a big red bus and travelled around the city seeing Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and Big Ben, where Amy made the joke,

"You are quite big aren't you Ben?" With a little wink. I had blushed, not really knowing what to think of the question.

Anyway we were now in line for the London Eye. The Eye was rotating slowly and there were about 20 giant pods full of people trying to get a unique view of the city.

We made it to the front of the line and were loaded into a pod with a few other people. As it went slowly up we walked around the pod and caught some amazing views of the City of London. Amy took many pictures and when we reached the top she looked down, she then quickly grabbed hold of me, realising how high we were.

"Look how far up we are Ben!" She panicked.

I wrapped her in my arms, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry Baby, I've gotcha." I assured her, not knowing if I had made her any less scared.

She carried on taking photos, trying to forget about the height we were at.

As we came back down I realised it had taken about 30 minutes for the wheel to fully rotate.


Whilst I firmly planted my feet back on the ground Ben pointed over at a sign that read, 'Sealife Centre'.

"I wonder if we'd see any Sharks?" He said intrigued.

"Lets go find out" I smiled as he bounded towards the entrance like a little kid.

We bought our tickets and walked along the never ending corridor. The corridor was a dome shape completely made of glass, other than the ground we were walking on.

A small shark swam over our heads,

"I wonder if he's part of a gang? Maybe the Shark Face Gang?" Ben smirked.

"That was a bad joke" I laughed.

We continued into a room which had 3 giant tanks full of water. There were various different fish of all shapes, colours and sizes in the tanks and there was also a scuba diver in there feeding them. Ben walked over to one of the tanks and stood on a platform so he could see in the water. He brushed his hand on the surface of the water, trying to catch the fish's attention, but failing.

"Would you like to feed them?" A man asked approaching me.

"Um im not sure" I said.

"Oh go on, give it a go!" Ben encouraged me.

I nodded and the man tipped some flakes of food into my hand. I went over and joined Ben on the platform. He also had some food in his hands.

He counted us down,

"3,2,1, GO" and on go we both chucked our handfuls of food into the water. Immediately the fishes swam up to the surface and sucked up the food. Me and Ben both Laughed.

*A couple of hours later*

When we had finished I text Ryan asking if he wanted to meet for some lunch at covent garden. He text back saying yeah, so me and Ben hopped on a crowded tube and headed for Covent Garden.

When we departed the tube, we walked out onto the street as the cold air blew in our face. Ben wrapped his arm around me as we headed for the restaurant where Ryan would be waiting.


Covent Garden was buzzing. It had little shops, bars, pubs, restaurants, everything.

I walked into a little restaurant and sat at a table. A short while later Ben and Amy joined me. We spoke about our days and they said how they had been exploring the city and meeting some sharks. I told them how I had done a bit of shopping and got Jackie and Abbi some presents. I pulled the bag up onto the table and showed them some souvenirs I had bought.

We all ordered a tea. I knew the british liked their tea so I was hoping it would be nice, and Boy was it! They were all about the tea making business!


Once we had eaten we headed to the venue where we met the rest of the crew who had all be doing some exploring of their own.

I sat in the dressing room whilst Ben and Ryan did soundcheck. I turned my camera on and connected it to my mac to add the photos from the day to my personal photography website.

When I was done I opened up twitter to see pictures of me and Ben that had been taken during the day. I didnt even realise that there were any papz, I was too caught up in the moment. I forgot everything with Ben, we always had such a good time.

Ben walked in and sat next to me, observing the screen.

"Ah fucking papz!" He joked

"I know right" I replied.

"At least we didn't let them ruin our day!" He said, leaning over and kissing my lips.

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