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Chapter34: Amsterdam


I gave Laura a hug as we said goodbye.

"We'll have to meet up when the Europe half of the tour is done" I told her.

"Yeah, ring me when your in LA" She demanded excitedly.

When we had said our final goodbyes I hopped into a taxi and went back to the hotel. I walked into the room to find Ben and Amy had left a note.

"We've gone to explore the city, we will be back at 4, we're leaving for the airport at 5"

I read the note and then scrunched it up into a ball and chucked it into the bin at the other side of the room.

"SLAM DUNK" I shouted as it went straight in.

I figured I could get some sleep as I was exhausted.


I followed Amy around the shoe shop, holding her bags and rolling my eyes.

"This is fun." I said, as Amy admired a pair of heels. I felt so out of place. A dude in a women's shoe shop. She tried a pair on and spun around,

"What do you think?" She asked.

"Beautiful" I said smiling.

When she had bought them we exited the shop and I turned to her and smiled, she instantly asked me,

"You want a new pair of Jordans dont you?" She smirked, reading my mind.

"You know me too well" I said, returning the smirk.

"Because you dont already have 12,000 pairs" She laughed.

"Babe, you can never have too many pairs of Nike Jordans." I explained as we walked into the shop. I knew what pair I wanted, they were Air Jordan 11's and they were dope. I also needed a new pair of Air Jordan 3's so I picked up a pair of them too.


300 photos and 2 pairs of Jordans later and we were on our way back to the hotel. We strolled up the narrow street. Ben linked his fingers in mine and swung our connected hands.

"This tour is gunna be fucking epic" He said with a grin.

"I know!" I agreed.

When we were back at the hotel we went up to our room and realised Ryan was asleep in his room. Ben woke him up so he could pack his stuff up. Ben then put a picture up on instagram of his new shoes and tweeted,

"@macklemore: Amsterdam are you ready for the heist world tour? We're comin' real soon"

When we had packed our stuff back up it was off to the airport.


When we got to the airport I realised Ben was reppin some new Jordans. They were dope.

We checked in and boarded the flight to Amsterdam not long after. I had never been there before so I was pretty excited.


*In Amsterdam*

When we landed I woke Amy up and we left the plane. The flight only lasted about 50 minutes and Amy had been asleep for the whole flight. We were waiting a long time for our bags but when we finally got them we all got in the cars outside the airport and headed for the hotel.

Ryan instantly wanted to explore so we dropped our bags and headed for the Amsterdam streets. It was about 7 pm but the streets were alive. Pubs, clubs, restaurants. Amsterdam was crazy. There were sex shops on every corner, liquor stores, drugs shops. Everything.

People were already partying.

"I like Amsterdam" Ryan said as he looked around at the mayhem.

We walked into a restaurant and were assigned a table. We ordered food and shortly after it arrived.


A few hours later once we had eaten and explored Amsterdam to death, we had a tipsy Mr Lewis. He thought it would be a good idea to get a true experience of Amsterdam, he then ended up drunk so he probably wont remember the 'true' experience. Other than the hangover he will have in the morning.

Much like in New York, Ben helped Ryan home, but this time he didn't have Jackie to look after him, instead he had me and Ben.

When we got back to the hotel Ryan stumbled into the room and flopped onto the bed. I fetched him some water as Ben took off his shoes and hat. Not bothering with his clothes. We left Ryan lying on the bed snoring and turned the lights out. We then walked into our room. Ben let out a tired sigh and lay back on the bed. I joined him, falling back and letting my head hit the pillow.

Ben turned to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I smiled as our lips touched. He playfully kissed my kneck, knowing how to make my smile wider. It worked. I ran my hands through his hair as I bit my lip. He undressed me as I did the same with him.

"Ryan's gunna hear us Ben" I laughed as he continued to kiss my kneck.

He kicked his shoes off,

"He wont, he's passed out" He assured me, reconnecting our lips.

*the next morning*


I walked out into the kitchen wearing one of bens long shirts. I saw Ryan laying on the sofa with his hand on his head,

"Good morning" I smiled,

"Is it? Ugh I feel like shit" He moaned.

Ben came out and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Oh and thanks for waking me up last night, love birds. I think i'll get a room of my own from now on." He chuckled slightly before groaning once again at the pain in his head.

I looked up at ben. I was so embarrased.

"He wont hear huh? Passed out?" I said.

Ben laughed, "Sorry about that bro"

I smiled awkwardly at Ryan before walking back into our room, "Im gunna have a shower, Dont miss me too much boys"

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