Chapter26: NorthwestReturn

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Chapter 26: North West Return


I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I looked beside me to see that Jackie was already out of bed. I slowly turned my head to the other side and saw that the clock read 8.47 am. I groaned and slumped out of bed.

I made my way into the lounge area where I saw Jackie sitting at the table on the laptop.

"Morning sunshine" she said with a smile.

"Ergh Jackie do we have any headache tablets?" I asked in a moaning voice.

"In my bag" she said with a smile.

I walked over to her bag which lay on the kitchen counter and rifled through it until I came across the tablets. I filled a glass with water, taking the tablets.

"You were a mess last night" Jackie laughed, walking over to me and placing her hands on my chest, kissing me lightly.

"I guessed" I chuckled, the pain in my head still throbbing.

There was a knock at the door. Jackie walked over and opened it to reveal Ben standing there.

"Hows the lightweight?" Ben said with a laugh.

"The lightweights just woken up with the hangover from hell" Jackie said looking over at me as she invited Ben in.

He laughed at me as I held my head.

"So you two are ganging up on me are you?" I asked with a slight smile as my headache slightly cleared.

"Well, the people of New York enjoyed your singing last night so thats a plus" Ben said.

"Oh no. I didn't sing did I?" I asked in embarrasment.

"Yeah, multiple times whilst we were walking home. You even tried hitting on a 60-something year old." Ben said laughing.

"Yeah, I thought she was gonna steal my man!" Jackie said, walking over to me.

"Never." I said, holding her hips and pulling her in for a hug.

"Okay, well were leaving for the airport in an hour so i'll meet you downstairs then" Ben said as he smiled and walked back out the door.

Jackie returned to the open laptop.

"The pictures Amy's put on the website are amazing. This girl has talent" She said, looking at the screen.

"Yeah I know. She's a good photographer, she'll go far" I agreed as I sat opposite Jackie.


As I walked back into the room I saw that Amy had just got out of the shower.

"I was gunna wake you so we could have one together but you looked cute sleeping so I left you" I told her as I went and gave her a kiss.

"Okay, well i've just got to get dressed and pack a few things up, then I'm ready" She said with a smile as she turned and bent down to get clothes out of her case.

*An hour later*

We were all heading out of the back entrance when a girl approached us. She was wearing a shark face girl jumper so I assumed she was a fan. I smiled as she walked over.

"Ben! Oh my god its you! Yo this is unbelievable I never thought i'd meet you" The girl said, almost hyperventilating.

"Hey" I said with a little chuckle.

"My names May and im a huge fan." She handed me a handmade bracelet that was the colours of the irish flag. I was amazed. I slipped it on over my wrist and smiled down at it.

"Wow. This is hella good, did you make this?!" I asked her.

"Yeah. Irish Celebration is one of my favourite songs and I wanted to give you something so I made this" She told me.

I smiled from ear to ear. This was such a cool present and she seemed like a nice girl. We stood and took a photo and I asked if I could take another for instagram. She was shocked and accepted my request.

We both posed and I captioned the photo,

"Just met May. She made me a hella dope bracelet! Homie for life. #irishcelebration #sharkfacegang"

I signed her copy of the heist and thanked her again for the awesome present. We then all bundled into the cars and headed for the airport.

*at the airport*


Ben was so happy with the present the fan had brought him. He kept looking down at it and smiling. I think it was a reminder to him how far her had come. How much the fans stood by him. He was so grateful to them.

We checked in and went to go get some food. We yet again got Dunkin' Doughnuts as Jackie was craving it. I couldn't wait until me and her could go shopping for baby clothes for her baby. We had become so close lately and she was a best friend for life.

An hour or so later we boarded the flight and took our seats. Throughout the flight I kept drifting in and out of sleep. I woke up when we finally landed and we made our way to baggage claim.

*Back Home*

We decided that tomorrow we would go to my apartment and collect my things to move them into Bens. But for tonight, we would just get a takeaway and watch movies. We decided on pizza and ordered. An hour or so later the pizza came and we sat on the floor with the pizza boxes open.

"New York was amazing" I said, tucking into the pizza.

"Yeah, It was!" Ben agreed.

"And I cant believe Ryan's gunna be a dad!" I said in such an excited voice that I nearly choked.

Ben laughed,

"I know. He will be a great dad I can tell!" Ben said. I nodded in agreement.

"So do you think some time in the future we could have children?" I smiled and chuckled. But it was a serious question.

"Amy, I'd love to start a family with you when you're ready." He told me with a loving look in his eyes.

"I can see us having little Ben Jr's in the future" We both laughed.

"Or Amy Jr's... Daddy's little princess!" He said with a smirk on his face.


When we had finished eating we sat up on the couch. Amy rested her head on my stomach and we watched a bunch of chick flicks. I wondered why girls always loved these romantic films so much. But I guess I would never truly understand.

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