Chapter51: BirthdayGirl

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Chapter 51: Birthday Girl


It was October 22nd. My birthday and also a year since I had relapsed. We were in Chicago and it had been around a week since the Salt Lake City show, and since Ben had given me the necklace. I had only taken it off when I slept and showered. I wanted everyone to see it and know how special it was to me, but most of all I wanted to know that a tiny piece of Ben was with me at all times.

It was wierd, I thought Ben would have remembered MY BIRTHDAY! He hadn't said Happy Birthday or anything, come to think of it, none of the crew had. I was quite sad, like I didnt want presents or anything, but just for people to remember would have been nice. I kept quiet, hoping somebody would remember eventually, but they hadn't so far. I had got a call from my Dad and Diane, also my brother. Many people had wished me a happy birthday on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, even the shark face gang remembered, but no not Ben.

It kinda hurt. Ben approached me and smiled,

"Whats up?" I thought to myself... WHATS UP? OH NOTHING APART FROM MY BIRTHDAY! But I continued to play it cool and act like nothing was happening. He still had no idea.

"Nothing" I smiled as he kissed my forehead.


I had told all the crew to act as if they knew nothing about Amy's birthday. I had planned a cake for her and was going to get the whole crowd to sing happy birthday to her.Then I had planned a party after the show for her and all the crew.

I had bought her flowers, her favourite chocolates, earings, shoes, clothes, a giant teddy bear, a canvas of us together, oh and there was a brand new car waiting for her at home, seeing as she drove around in a battered up one.

I hoped she liked all her presents, but for now I would play the 'oblivious' game.

*before the show*


Everyone was still unaware of what day it was, but I just tried to forget it, I mean, everyone else had.


*last song of the show*

I told the crowd that it was a special day today. That it was my beautiful girlfriend Amy's birthday. I looked to the side of the stage to see a shocked Amy standing there with a beaming smile. I smiled back, before turning to face the crowd.

"I love her very much and she is very very beautiful. I am lucky to have her and sometimes I think I don't deserve her. This is a bit of a surprise to her because she thought we all forgot, but c'mon would we forget about our girls birthday?!" I chuckled.

Ryan pressed a button and the music started, "Go Amy, It's ya birthday, we gon' party like its ya birthday" I sang as everyone laughed and sang along.


I couldn't believe it. He hadn't forgotten. A huge smile crossed my face!

I laughed as 50 Cents 'Its Your Birthday' started playing. Ryan smiled down at me as I exchanged an 'Omg I cant believe you did that' stare. Ben started singing along with the crowd.

"C'mon, get out here" He said, signalling me to join him and Ryan on stage.

I shook my head, too shy to stand in front of the audience.

"AMY AMY AMY AMY" The crowd started cheering. I was still shy.

Ben ran over and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the stage, giving me no other option than to face the crowd.

They all cheered as he smiled.

*After the show*


I was so happy that everyone hadn't forgot my birthday. Ben told me his master plan to act as if they all knew nothing about it. I laughed as he explained it.

"I've gotta give you your presents!" He smirked, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me tightly.

"You didnt have to get me anything Ben. It's a present enough just being here!" I told him, but he was having none of it.


I told Amy about the party we were having for her and how some of her friends would be joining us, along with the crew of course. I had bought her a dress to wear, with the help of Jackie seeing as I knew nothing about dress shopping. When we got onto the bus I showed it to her and she loved it, thanking both me and then Jackie for picking it out.

Everyone gave her her presents and I then brought through the giant bag full of presents from me, to the sofa area.

When she saw it she was gob smacked, and also frustrated that I had bought her so much. She was worth it.

She opened each present, smiling wider and wider the more she unwrapped. Lastly I handed her a little box. Inside the box was a car key. Her mouth opened wide.

"You didn't" She said, surprised.

"I did" I nodded.

She jumped forward and kissed me, thanking me over and over again. I pulled up a picture of the midnight blue convertible Audi. It was her favourite car and had been for a long time. She had said she was going to save up for one, but now she didnt need to.


He had bought me my favourite car!!!

I could not believe it, I had been seriously spoilt, I felt bad and told Ben that. His reply was simply,

"I know money can't buy happiness, but I love you and you're worth it."

I had smiled once he said that.

Ben was never one to chuck cash around like it was no big deal, but it was nice that he could every once in a while. I just didnt want him spending it all on me, he had worked hard for it and he deserved it all.

After I had opened all of my amazing presents from Ben and the crew, Ryan had started on all the "birthday sex" jokes. Me and Ben laughed it off, exchanging smirks.

Once Mr Lewis had finished we all went and got dressed into something a bit more party like. Ben had brought me a stunning dress with the help of Jackie. Jackie knew me too well. It was nothing too over the top, but I liked it.

When we were all ready it was time to get this party started!

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