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Chapter 67: Memories


Amy went to check on Ben and I sat at the front of the bus. Jason was staring at me,

"Ryan, you know he's just looking out for you."

He told me. As if I didn't already know that.

"I know, it's just it feels like he doesn't trust me. Im not a kid." I said softly, looking down at my feet.

About 10 minutes later Amy left the room, followed by Ben.

"Ben...I.." I was once again cut short.

"Im sorry Ryan. I do trust you, I was being over protective" He played with his hands.

I ran a hand through my hair,

"Its fine, I know you were just looking out for me. Thats what brothers do. Im sorry for saying what I said"

I explained with a embarrassed look on my face.

"Its fine bro." He smiled as he came and hugged me.


I had never seen Ben and Ryan have an argument before. It was a rare sight. They may have little disagreements on lyrics, beats or something like that, but never a full on shouting war.

It was nice to see they were brothers again.

I put an arm around Bens waist after he and Ryan had hugged. His smile was huge.

The bus started moving and off to San Diego we headed.

*2 days later*


The San Diego show went well. We had left San Diego and were nearly in San Francisco for our next show. Amy was excited to be going home for a while. As we pulled up to the venue she was the first off the bus. Me and her would be staying at her family's house tonight so we grabbed our cases as Andrew pulled up in his car. He jumped out and Amy ran over to him.

"Hey sis" He casually smiled.

"Hey Andy!!" She shouted.

Andy pulled out of the suffocating hug and walked over to me,

"Hey man" He said, shaking my hand and patting me on the back.

"Hey" I smiled.

He loaded our stuff into the car and I went over to Ryan. I told him we would meet up in a few hours once Amy had caught up with her family.

We bundled into Andy's car and headed to the house.

Amy was yet again the first one out of the car and through the door, leaving me and Andy with the bags.

"How has she been Ben?" He asked, concerned.

"She's been good. Happy." I smiled.

"Oh thats good" He seemed surprised.

"Why?" I asked, sensing there was more behind his question.

"Well, its the anniversary of our mum's passing today" He looked down at the ground.

"I had no idea. Amy didn't mention it. Im so sorry." I felt bad for not having any comforting words.

"Its okay. I guess it's just like any other day." He said, locking the car and walking towards the door to the house.

Amy was sitting on the sofa with her Dad and Diane.

"Hello Ben" Her father said, standing and shaking my hand.

"Hello Mr Thompson" I smiled.

"Oh please, it's about time you just called me by my first name." He chuckled.

"Okay David" I smiled.


I had tried to run from the past. It had been 16 years ago today. I remember it like it was yesterday though. I got called out of class by my principal. We went to her office and Andrew was waiting in there. We didn't understand what was happening, after all we were only young. I was 9, he was 12. We got taken up to the hospital. I remember the whole ride I just stared out the window at the rain falling. The window was stained in raindrops that looked a lot like tears. Little did I know I would be seeing a lot of them in the close future.

As we approached my mothers hospital bed we saw my dad. His eyes were red puffy and bloodshot.

"Daddy?" I asked.

"Princess" He opened his arms wide as I jumped into them.

I remember sitting at the side of my mothers bed holding her hand and telling her to wake up. It's hard to believe I would never see her awake again.

The next few months my dad was heavily depressed. I remember seeing him taking pills and asking him why he took them,

"Because mummy's not coming back"

That hit me hard. I guess I hadn't fully accepted that I would never see her again.


Me and Amy went up to her room to put our bags away. She sat on the bed staring into space. I waved a hand in front of her eyes and it took her a few seconds to realise what I was doing.

She blinked and fake smiled.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, knowing the answer was no but figuring she would tell me in her own time.

She didnt speak. She just looked down at her fingers and began playing with the locket around her kneck.

"Look, Andrew told me about what day it is today. Im here if you need to talk. Im always here." I said, taking her hands and kissing them.

Tears formed in her eyes and began flowing down her cheeks.

I sat down next to her and pulled her into a sideways hug so she had her head by my heart.

"I miss her so much Ben. I need to hear her voice. I need one of her hugs. I need her to tell me that everything will be alright." She violently cried into my chest.

I squeezed her tight,

"I know baby. She is here with you. She always will be here. Everything will be fine as long as you have the memories."

I tried my best to comfort her but I wasn't doing a very good job.

"The memories aren't enough. I need her here. I just wish it had been me instead of her in that car." She screamed.

"Then it would be her in pain. You are one of the most precious things to her and she would not want to see you harmed in any way. And neither would I"

I kissed her head and continued,

"She isn't in pain anymore. She is watching you from up there and she's smiling down. You're making her proud Baby"

"Thank you for being here Ben. Seriously you do not understand how much I appreciate it. I'd usually just drink my pain away but you have saved me. I know mum would have loved you."

She pulled her head away and stared at me. I wiped her remaining tears and planted a gentle kiss onto her lips.

"And I know I would have loved her too" I smiled as did Amy.


I had been bottling it all up. I didn't want to confront today, but im glad I did. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for Ben. I would honestly have just drank the pain away. But im different now. Im a person my mum would be proud of.

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