Chapter 14:San Francisco

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Chapter 14: San Francisco


The rest of the evening went quite fast. We talked mostly about touring and we filled Amy's family in on what we had decided. That Amy would tour with us as our photographer, but also because I wanted her there for support. Diane was a bit concerned for her safety whilst travelling, but I gave her my word that Amy would be safe with me. Her father calmed Diane's nerves by reminding her that this was Amy's dream, ever since she was young she had been fascinated by photography.

When we got back to Amy's I text Ryan.,

Me:"You in San Fran yet?"

Ryan: "Just got to the hotel with Tricia and the rest of the crew."

He informed me. I texted back telling him that we would meet him in the morning, get some breakfast and then head to the venue for soundcheck etc...

He text back saying Ok and I sat my phone down on the bedside cabinet and fell back, letting my head hit the pillow. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about how far we had come within the last year or so. It was crazy. I used to be performing in cramped, run down venues, that smelt like piss and alcohol. Where half the people were too intoxicated to know what was even happening. Now I was performing on stage at venues around the world. Selling out show after show and getting to tour the US and Europe with my best friends. Performing at The Key Area, something I had wanted to do since I was a kid. A lot had changed, but we worked hard for it, so now we're here, we're gunna enjoy it.

Amy walked out of the bathroom and over to the edge of the bed. I could feel her stare.

"What?" I asked her with a smile.

"Nothing. You just look like you're thinking hard about something..." She told me.

"Im just thinking about this last year. I've done some things that I will never forget and met some amazing people. You being one of them..." She smiled and I continued..

"...And now you're here to experience it all with me. I couldn't be happier!" I said, my face aching from my beaming smile.

She sat next to me on the bed, cross legged and facing me. She put a hand on my face,

"I couldn't thinking of anyone better to spend my time with" She gave me a soft smile before leaning forward and placing a slow, gentle kiss onto my lips. She pulled her lips away but I wouldn't let her go. I returned my lips to hers and smiled, hugging her tightly, "I Love You Amy."

"I Love you too Ben." She replied before jumping off the bed and standing back up.


I stood back up and stared at Ben for a moment. He made me so happy. I was so glad to be going on tour with him, I would get to spend every day with the man I loved.

He got up off the bed and walked over to his suit case, taking out a top and chucking it at me, he knew me too well. I undressed and slipped the top on over my head, crawling under the covers and burying my head into the cold pillow. Ben undressed and slid under with me. He rested his chest up against my back and put his arms around my waist, and whispered in my ear, "Goodnight Amy" he kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Ben" I replied.

*The Next Morning*


It was 9 o'clock and I had just woken up. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, trying not to disturb Amy, who was cuddling my chest. I looked down at her head that was resting on me. Her eye lids fluttered as she groaned, opening her eyes slowly and smiling up at me.

"Morning Sleepyhead" I said.

"Morning handsome" She replied, nuzzling her head further into my chest.

"We're meeting Ryan for breakfast in an hour" I explained.

"I guess I better grab a shower then" She said, sliding off the bed and strolling towards the shower.

"You can go have one in my brothers room if you want, he stayed at a friends last night" She shouted from the bathroom.

"Okay then" I replied, heading for her brothers room.

I pushed open the door to see the walls lined with posters, much like Amy's room, but these were Hip Hop posters. There were ones of Wu-Tang, Eminem and various other artists. He was into more of the old hip hop scene, like I was. I observed the posters before walking into the bathroom and getting in the shower.

*15 minutes later*

I walked in Amy's room to see her sitting on the floor drying her hair. When she saw me she turned the hairdryer off and smiled.

"I didn't realise your brother was into hip hop?!" I said surprised.

She nodded, "Yeah, it's always been quite a big part in our lives. We would listen to it together when we were younger and have rap battles between us, it was quite funny."

"Ah, so you could give me a run for my money" I winked, she walked over to me, we wrapped her arms around eachother, mine resting on her hips and pulling her closer. She smiled,

"Yeah, watch out Boy!" She said, kissing me on the lips. I laughed and so did she.

*half an hour later*

When we were ready we jumped into her brothers car and headed down towards the cafe we were meeting Ryan at. When we had parked we got out of the car and saw Ryan walking down the road holding a cigarette. He smiled when he saw us and as we approached he said, "Go on in guys, I'll meet you in there i'm just finishing this."

We did as he said and walked into the cafe, sitting on a table by the window. "Man, I thought he quit" I told Amy as I saw Ryan chuck his cigarette on the ground and stomp on it.

He walked over to the table and sat opposite me and Amy.


I walked down the street, feeling the cold San Francisco air blow on my face. I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. I was trying to quit, but it was no use. I puffed out the smoke and wondered how Ben and Amy would react in public, seeing as they were trying to keep their relationship on the down low. I carried on down the street and as I approached the cafe I saw Ben and Amy getting out of a car. They walked over to me as I told them I'd join them in there when I was done.

They walked in and I stood by the door outside, relishing the last few drags of my cigarette. I watched the smoke I exhaled float up into the cold air and disappear without a trace.

When I was done I walked into the cafe and sat opposite Ben and Amy. I observed the way they acted with each other. Ben would say something to her, she would laugh, he would place a kiss on her forehead, she would squeeze his hand. It was like the relationship me and Jackie had, and I knew ours would last so I hoped the same for Ben and Amy. They were the perfect couple.

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