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Chapter 73: Key Arena 3/3


The show went well. I tried to hide what was on my mind and focused on delivering a good show to the people.

After the show Amy came over to me and took my hand.

"I know whats on your mind. It's about Tricia isn't it?" She asked sweetly.

"No. Im fine." I told her, faking a smile as I lied.

"Okay." She simply shrugged.

She was looking at the ground and I pulled her face up and planted a kiss onto her lips.

"What was that for?" She grinned.

"Just to tell you I love you." I smiled. This time it was not fake.

"I love you too Ben." She beamed up at me with her beautiful eyes.

*two days later*


I had been let out of hospital this morning once the necessary tests had been run. I just wanted to go home and shut myself off from the whole world.

Guilt kept playing at the back of my mind. Its something that I should have told Ben before but I never did, maybe it was because I couldn't find the courage or because I didn't want to destroy his life.

I unlocked my phone to see 26 missed calls from my Mum, 12 texts from my brother and a voicemail from Ben. I listened to the voicemail. Ben's voice always calmed me down. It was so soft and subtle. It started to play:

"Hey Trish. Look im so sorry about everything you're going through right now. I am always here if you need to talk. We all send our love!"

I found myself smiling as his voice faded away. I hadn't smiled in a while. He always made me smile.

Jared walked in and I hid my phone under the duvet covers.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" He asked in a caring tone.

"Tired." I simply said. No emotion in my voice.

"We're out of milk. Im going to get some from the shop. I'll be 10 minutes ok?" He smiled waiting for my reply.

"Okay." I half smiled fakely.

As I heard him leave I dialled Ben's number. As he answered I got goose bumps,

"Hey" He happily said.

I froze.

"Tricia? Are you there?" He asked down the phone.

"Um..yeah. Ben can we meet up. I need to speak to you. It's important." I stated.

"Yeah sure. Starbucks near yours in half an hour?" He said in a worried voice.

"Ok. See you then." I hung up and looked around the room, realising I would have to actually get up.

I threw on some joggers and a jumper. I then scraped my hair up into a ponytail. I didn't care what I looked like or what anyone thought of me. I just needed to get this all off my chest. Ben had a right to know.


Amy was still asleep when I got up so I decided to leave her. We had done our 2nd show at the key last night and it was pretty mental. 2/3 done. It was the last one tonight!

As I sat in Starbucks I wondered what Tricia wanted to talk about. Her accident? Losing the baby?

A figure walked in. I realised it was Tricia, although the messy hair, bags under her eyes and tatty clothes were a bit deceiving. I got up to hug her as she approached the table. She pretty much jumped into the hug which was strange considering yesterday she was pretty much lifeless. She sat down and exchanged a smile with me.

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