Chapter31: Paris

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Chapter 31: Paris


Once we had eaten, all of the crew went off to a bar for some drinks, but seeing as neither Ben or I drank, we decided to go for a little walk.
We told everyone we would see them in the morning and walked down a little lane. It was about 10:45 pm and the bars and clubs were buzzing. The night life was fully alive and Ben and I were walking straight through it.

I still had his coat around my shoulders, as well as him arm. He began to talk,
"This place is so cool."
"Yeah and romantic" I said smiling up at him as he then placed a kiss on my lips.

A woman aged around 25ish stumbled over to us, she stank of alcohol and was clearly drunk.
"Mack, its you, Mack" she slurred.

Ben half smiled at the lady as I scrunched my nose up at the smell of sweet liquor that hung around the lady.
He stared at me,
"You okay babe?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah im fine" I smiled, taking a step back from the intoxicated woman.

"Babe? Babe? This is your girlfriend?"
The woman asked, looking me up and down.

Ben took a step towards me grabbing my hand,
"Yes. This is my beautiful girlfriend" He smiled with a proud look on his face. I smiled back as the lady stared at us.

"Oh..She doesn't seem your type..." The woman said.

"She is exactly my time. Pretty, funny, kind, caring, talented, I can go on if you'd like?" Ben said staring at the lady.

She gave us a disapproving look,

"" The lady was speechless and she just sighed walking off.

"She seemed nice" I said to Ben as we both laughed.

"Don't listen to what she said baby. She's just jealous of you!" Ben chuckled.

"Why would she be jealous?" I asked.

"Because of all the things I listed. Also you have a seriously hot boyfriend!" He said.

"Oh do I now?" I winked playfully and he gave me a kiss as we continued to walk.

*The next day*

I woke up and walked into the kitchen/lounge area, forgetting I was only wearing underwear and one of Ben's tops.

"Morning" Said a face from behind the computer screen. It was Ryan. I jumped, forgetting we were all sharing a room.

"Morning" I said, embarrased.

"Sleep well?" He asked, not acknowledging the fact that I was barely dressed.

"Yeah thanks, you?" I asked as I poured myself a glass of Orange Juice.

"Yeah, just got off the phone to Jackie. My girls are doing okay." He smiled.

Ben walked into the kitchen and put his arms around my waist, kissing me from behind.

"Morning Dude" Ryan said.

"Morning Bro, you got a hangover?" Ben replied as he ran his hands through his messy hair and chuckled.

"A little yeah, did I wake you two last night?" Ryan asked.

"We were already awake when you came in, but you did make quite a bit of noise and I think you were singing wrecking ball" Ben laughed.

"Thats so embarrasing" Ryan said chuckling and looking at the ground.

"Breakfast in an hour, then to the venue for souncheck" Ryan explained, trying to change the subject.

"Ok cool. See you then Cyrus" Ben said laughing as he also poured himself a drink.

"I better go get dressed" I said.

"Me too" Ben said as he followed me into the bedroom.


I wished so bad that Jackie was here so I could give her a huge kiss and see my little girl. I was jealous of Ben and Amy right now, I wish I could do all that stuff with Jackie. I reassured myself that we'd be together in 2 weeks or so. It was a long time but we were constantly in contact. I walked back into my room and pulled of my top, changing it for a clean one and doing the same with my jeans.

I didn't get changed last night, I was too drunk. So were most of the crew. We had gone to a bar near the restaurant and that's the last thing I remember, then I woke up in bed this morning, without Jackie. I sighed. I could hear Ben and Amy laughing in the bedroom next door.

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