Chapter33:Paris Show

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Chapter 33: Paris Show


I ran out onto the stage as the beat to Ten Thousand Hours echoed around the arena. The crowd were alive tonight. I could feel their roar pounding on my chest. The adrenalin pumping through my veins. Its show time.


I loved the point of view I had when on stage. I was slightly raised on a platform to the rest of the stage and I could see Ben doing his thing. The crowd stared back at us and I loved getting them hyped. It was the best job ever.

*After The Show*

The show finished and as I walked into the dressing room after the meet and greet I noticed Laura sitting on the couch.

"That was amazing!" She said with a massive grin as she stood up.

"Thanks! Maybe I'll be the one coming to one of your shows one day!" I told her as her smile extended.

"So, Im in Paris until tomorrow night do you fancy hitting up a studio and making some beats together?" I asked her, taking a sip of water and placing the bottle on the table.

"Wow. Yeah that would be so cool!" She said with an excited attitude.

"Okay, well were all heading back to our hotel now, we can drop you back on the way." I told her.

"Okay, if it's no trouble"

"No, It's fine." I insisted.

Some of the crew loaded into one car and headed back to our hotel but Me, Ben, Amy,Andrew,Owuor,Anna,Anyango and Laura got in the second car.

When we pulled up outside of Laura's hotel everyone said bye to her and I told her I'd text her in the morning about going to the studio.


When we got back to the hotel, Me,Amy and Ryan went up to our room.

"Show 1 of the Heist World Tour done!" Ryan said in a happy mood.

I smiled, I was too exhausted to speak so I just nodded.

"Right, Haggerty, lets get you to bed. You look exhausted!" Amy said as we both said Goodnight to Ryan and headed into our room.

Once we were changed we sat in bed and amy turned to me,

"Laura seems nice"

"Yeah, but im worried Jackie wont have the same opinion." I said in a concerned voice.

"Her and Ryan are just working together, Jackie will understand that." She assured me as I kissed her lips and wrapped my arms around my waist.

"I hope so" I said.

"Goodnight Boo"

"Goodnight Ben" Amy replied.

*The Next Morning*


I pulled on a pair of jeans and a tshirt and went and poured a drink.

My phone buzzed, it was Ryan.

Ryan: "Shall we meet in an hour?"

Me: "Yeah, I'll meet you at the studio?"

Ryan: "Yeah okay. See you then :)"

I couldn't believe I was arranging to meet THE Ryan Lewis. Was this a dream? I had been a fan of his work for so long and I never would have thought I would be making beats with him. This was crazy. Good crazy though.

My taxi pulled up outside the studio where I saw Ryan standing outside with a cigarette in his hand.

I stepped out and slid the cigarette packet out of my pocket, pulling one out and lighting it as I joined him.

"Hey" I said to him before exhaling the smoke.

"Heyy" He said back, doing the same.

He threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped on it before he turned to me,

"I'll meet you in there" He smiled before walking off.

When I was done I walked into the studio and found Ryan. He was sitting at a desk with headphones on. I walked in and tapped him on the shoulder, he swung around in his chair and smiled,

"Listen to this" He said, handing me the headphones.

It was one of my beats mixed in with one of his. I smiled. It was really good, I could see why he had made it in the producing world.

"Woah that is nice!" I told him before shifting around one of the levers and pressing a button. I handed the headphones back and watched his reaction.

"Good thinking. Thats better!" He said with a stunned look on his face.

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