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Chapter 42: Unexpected


I woke up to find Ben cuddling me tightly. He was just waking up and when he saw that I was too he grinned,

"Morning Beautiful" He said, placing a good morning kiss on my lips.

"Good Morning" I groaned back, returning the kiss onto his lips.

"Im proud of you for last night Ben. I know I already told you that but I really am!" I told him, staring into his eyes.

I looked at the alarm clock behind him, it read 8:30 am.

"Its still quite early we're not meeting everyone until 10:30" I told him, as he raised an eye brow.

"I guess we'll have to occupy ourselves for a little while then" he winked as I ran my hands through his hair and wrapped my legs around his body underneath the covers.

"I guess so" I said, as I kissed his lips and he held me in his arms. He started kissing my neck as I held my head back, continuing to run my hands through his messy bed hair. He unbuttoned the shirt of his that I was wearing as I pulled it off, chucking it on the floor.

An hour or so later I lay in Ben's arms in the bed as we both looked up at the ceiling.

"We should probably get a shower" I told him, catching my breath.

He nodded, stepping out of bed to reveal his naked body.

"Nice Bum Haggerty" I said laughing

"Thanks, but it's not as nice as yours" He chuckled with a wink walking into the bathroom.


When we were ready we walked downstairs to meet the crew and our families. Ryan and Jackie were standing in each others arms and laughing around, Ryan placing a kiss on her nose. Tricia also stood in Jared's arms. She looked so happy. I was genuinely glad for her and I think that feeling was mutual.

"We're leaving for the airport at 9pm" Zach told us as I stared down at my watch which displayed the time 10:45 am.

We all decided to go for breakfast in a little cafe down the street. We sat down and ordered. Just as we did a man approached the table. He wore and all black hoody with black skinny jeans. His hood was pulled up, covering his face. He pulled the hood back to reveal himself. I noticed the face, it was someone I really didn't like.

"MIKE?! Wow what are you doing in Dublin?!" Amy asked, both confused and unconvincingly happy.

"I saw that you guys were over here and I have family in Dublin so I travelled out here" He smiled. It was not a convincing smile.

"Oh thats so cool" Amy said, a bit creeped out.

"What have you not been replying to my texts?" He frowned. I gave Amy a puzzled look. She hadn't mentioned any texts.

"Oh I've just been really busy with the tour and editing and everything" She explained.


I knew he had no family in Dublin. I had known this guy for years and never once did he mention family in Dublin. We shared everything with eachother. I shrugged it off.

"The show was amazing last night man" Mike said, holding his hand out for Ben to shake. Ben reluctantly shook it. "Thanks" He simply said.

I could tell that he didn't like Mike. I didn't blame him to be honest. Mike had always been a little bit possessive and controlling. It was creepy sometimes. I remembered why me and Mike had fallen out.


It was back in our last year of high school. Me and Mike had always been close, best friend even. I knew he had a thing for me but I thought it was just a childhood crush sort of thing. He would get scary. Sending me flowers, chocolates, Teddy's. I even received some anonymous love letters which I could tell were his hand writing. I just ignored it all though, hoping he would grow up and move on.

One day we were sitting in his room alone, talking about a boy I really liked called Rob Hutchson. He was the typical football jock. Tall, muscly, dreamy eyes. Every girl wanted him so I had no chance. Anyway, Mike got really angry saying how Rob wasn't right for me and never would be. He grabbed my hands tightly and told me that he loved me and that he knew I loved him too. I didn't know where he got this idea from because I had never led him on.

He was obsessed with me. He showed me a book of loads of pictures of me and him with our names written all over it and hearts around my name. I was seriously scared. He clutched my arms in his hands and tried to kiss me. When I backed away he pushed me down harder until our lips met. It felt wrong.

He unbuttoned my top and thats when I got a hand free and slapped him on the cheek. He stepped back in amazement and I grabbed my bag and ran. Straight out of his house and down the road until I came to my street. I paused at the end, catching my breath. The tears streamed down and I collapsed in a heap on the floor.

I was scared he would follow me so I ran and ran until I got home. I shut myself in my room and cried my eyes out. He turned up downstairs but I told my mum not to let him in. I had always told everyone we had an argument, so nobody truly knew what happened.

Thats partly the reason I moved to Seattle after high school. To get away from the bad memories. I though it was all in the past now and that Mike had moved on.

*Present Day*

"So you guys busy? Maybe we can hang out?" Mike said, taking my arm how he had that day he kissed me.

I pulled it away, holding onto Ben's instead.

"Um sorry, we're having a family day out" I said, looking down at the ground.

"Can't I join in!" He said energetically.

"Sorry. Just family" Ben said stepping in front of me so I was hiding behind his back. Ben must have known something was up.

Mike backed down,

"Ok. Well text me and we can meet sometime." He smiled, walking away with a coffee in one hand.

"Are you okay Baby?" Ben asked as he saw the terror in my eyes.

"I thought he would have changed over time. When I saw him again in San Fran he seemed kind of normal. I thought it had all been forgotten. I though he would have moved on but he's the same Ben. Im scared." I told him, burying my head into his hoodie.

"What are you scared of? Mike?!" Ben asked, cuddling me tightly in his arms.

"It's going to happen all over again" I cried.

"What is? Amy you're freaking me out!" He said with a worried look on his face.

I calmed my breathing and explained the whole situation back in high school. Ever since we had seen Mike again back in San Francisco he had kept texting me constantly. He was like a stalker.

"Im going to kill him. How dare he think he can do that!" He shouted. I could see the anger building up in his face. I had never seen this side of Ben before.

"Please Ben just leave it. He's gone and I don't want to have to see him anymore" I told him, pleading him to forget about it. He wanted to go and knock Mike out for what he did but I persuaded him to leave it.

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