Chapter30:World Tour

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Chapter 30: World Tour

*2 weeks later*


We had finished painting the rooms in the house and we had moved some furniture in to make it more homely, but it wasn't yet complete. As we were going on tour for a long time, both mine and Ben's families offered to add the finishing touches.

I couldn't wait for this tour. It started in Paris which I was so excited about because I had never been there before. I was especially happy going there with Ben!

I zipped up the last of my 2 giant suitcases and grabbed my two bags. Ben did the same. We loaded them into the taxi and made our way to the airport where we met the crew. I saw Tricia had bought her boyfriend along, which I thought would be awkward, but Ben didn't seem to care. Ryan said good bye to Jackie as she was going to join us for the last show of the Europe half of the tour in Dublin whilst Ryan's parents looked after Abigail.


I looked into Jackie's eyes as her shiny hazel eyes looked back into mine. I gave her a long kiss,

"I cant wait to see you in Dublin baby" I told her, reconnecting our lips.

"I wish I could come with you but I have to look after Abbi whilst her Daddy's touring." She looked at the ground. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug. Our foreheads rested against one anothers.

"Give my little princess another big kiss and tell her i'll ring her every day! I'll call her beautiful mummy too!" I kissed her again before ben shouted,

"Ryan we gotta go check in bro" I told Ben I'd be 2 minutes before I turned back to Jackie,

"I'll see you in just under 2 weeks babe I love you!" I placed one last long loving kiss on her lips and ran over to Ben and the rest of the crew, looking back at Jackie and waving. We were barely ever apart, especially not for nearly 2 weeks! I felt bad leaving her whilst Abbi was so young, but I would check in on her every day and I knew she had both of our families supporting her.


Ryan said one last goodbye to Jackie and joined us all. We then checked our bags in and headed to the plane as people were already boarding it.

When we sat on the plane we found our seats and sat down. I noticed Tricia and Jared were sitting behind us. It was slightly awkward but we were still friends and we were happy for each other. I extended my hand for Amy to hold. She linked her fingers in mine and turned and smiled,

"I cant wait for this tour to start! Im so glad I'm here with all you guys!" She said in a majorly excited voice.

"I cant wait either. This is the biggest tour we've ever done and I'm glad you're here as part of the crew and also as my girlfriend, I love you boo" I kissed her forehead and she smiled,

"I love you too" She said as she kissed me back.


After a gruelling 10 hour flight we landed in Paris. We got in a couple of cars and headed to the hotel. We were sharing a room with Ryan so we told the crew we'd meet them downstairs in about an hour to go to dinner. We all went up to the room.


Me and Amy grabbed a shower and got dressed before me, Amy and Ryan went down to meet the guys.

We walked down towards a little french restaurant. As it was cold I wrapped my coat around Amy and pulled her closer, putting my arm around her.

When we got to the restaurant we all ordered and spoke about how excited we all were about the first night of the tour tomorrow.

"Its gonna be crazy!" Zach said.

"The Party starts now!" Said Ryan.

"Paris, Welcome to the heist" I said with a smile.

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