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Chapter 54: Queen Of The Sharkies

We had been on the road all night/morning on our way to Boston. We were 9 hours into the journey by the time I woke up, and we still had another 9 or so to go. I silently slid Amy off of my arm and stepped out of the room. I called my Dad, knowing he was an early riser. He answered and I greeted him,

"Hey Dad, Im just calling to tell you some really important news and um, well I hope you take it well."

I whispered, walking down the empty bus, I guessed everyone was still asleep.

"What is it Son?" He questioned, both worried and confused.

"Well... I'm asking Amy to marry me." I bit my lip as the words fell out of my mouth. There was no reply. The phone went silent.

"Dad, are you still there?" I called down the phone, just as I did I heard him shout,

"Our Son's getting married!" I then heard my mothers squeals of happiness down the phone, phew! Im glad they accepted it.

We talked about it for a while and I told them I thought it was the right time. My father was a little bit worried that it was too early into our relationship, but I told him how I felt for Amy, and no amount of time would change the fact that I love her with all my heart.

When we had finished I rung my brother who seemed the most excited, telling me that he was going to have to find his suit and tie, and at this point he started singing 'Suit & Tie' by Justin Timberlake. After a verse of bad singing we said goodbye and hung up.

I snuck back into the room and slid into bed with Amy, putting my arms around her as she mumbled and groaned to herself.

*A few hours later*


When everyone had woken up we stopped off for something to eat and drink, seeing as we had been on the road for around 12 hours now and had been surviving off of leftover snacks and soda.

I sat down next to Ben, who was being very cute. He kept randomly holding my hand and squeezing me tightly and to be honest I loved it. I loved him. He smiled down at me,

"You look cute in my hoodies" He smirked.

"They're so comfy" I said, staring down at the big baggy jumper I was wearing.
I didn't plan on making any effort when it came to fashion today.

He sat across the chair and I sat in between his legs. My back was against his chest and I looked directly up at his face, which was above my head.

"You two are just adorable aren't you?" Zach laughed as he sat to the side of us.

I looked at Ben then back to Zach,

"Yes. Yes we are" I chuckled.

When we had finished we set back out onto the road. It was a miserably rainy day and the whole crew sat downstairs, some on the long sofa that stretched down one side of the bus, A couple on the tables that were situated at the front of the bus, and Andrew sat on his bed which was near the front of the bus. We were just talking about life, everything from relationships to the tour, to childhood memories.

Anyango sat at the table with me and Ben. She was sitting next to me with a colouring book, trying her best to colour within the lines. Ben helped her, picking up a blue crayon and colouring in a Shark.

"Uncle Ben, Are Shark's your favourite animal?" She asked him.

"Yeah, they're so cool!" Ben replied.

"Oh, because you always say you love sharkies. What are sharkies? Are they baby sharks?" She asked, confused.

Me and Ben laughed,

"They're our fans. Our dedicated, real fans. I don't think any of them are actually sharks, but you never know" He chuckled as Anyango giggled back.

"Im a Sharkie Uncle Ben" She smiled proudly.

" Of course you are! You're Queen of the Sharkies!" Ben laughed.

Ben Instagrammed a picture of us all colouring,

"Colouring and talking Sharkies with my girl and Anyango (aka Queen of the sharkies) @Amy_thompson @gogoanyango"


We spent about 3 hours sitting and colouring in Anyango's book, as she insisted that all the sharks had to be coloured. By the time we had finished, most of the crew were upstairs playing xbox and watching films. It was just Me, Amy,Ryan,Jackie,Tricia and Jared.

"So how's everyone?" Ryan asked as Jackie lay on his chest.

"Good" Everyone mumbled in sync.

"Tricia, you and Jared have been together a while now right?"

Ryan asked.

Tricia smiled up at him and replied,

"Around a year and 2 months" They smiled.

I loved seeing her happy. I knew that whatever had gone on there were no hard feelings between us. Just friends, and we would always be good friends.

"It must be about a year for you and Amy too" Tricia said looking at us both.

"A year on Thursday" I smiled, prouder than ever.

" Aw Congratulations!!" She squealed happily and sincerely.

"Thanks!" Amy replied.

Around 5 and a half hours later, after various different conversations, listening to music and sleeping, we had arrived in Boston. We headed for the venue and parked up before going out for something to eat.

Amy was so excited about Boston, and So was I, holding her hand tight in mine as we walked to the restaurant.

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