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Chapter 59: Dinner


*an hour later*

We had sat on that rooftop for about an hour just talking and watching the world go by around us. I was so overwhelmed with love when I looked at Amy. She completed me.

We were now walking to the restaurant and I held her close. She had my coat draped over her shoulders and was wearing a sweet smile. Her dress illuminated her body as we walked past the bright lights of the big city.

We noticed some papz were following us. We didn't care, we were too caught in the moment. As we walked into the restaurant we were shown to our table and went to sit down. I pulled Amy's chair out from under the table and she sat down,

"The perfect gentleman" She grinned.

"Anything for my Fiancé." I smiled down at her as I sat down.

Fiancé. I knew id never get tired of saying that word.

Amy stared at me and extended her hands across the table, placing mine in hers. She stared down at the ring and then back to me.

"This past year has been the best year of my life. Seriously Ben, thank you." Her eyes started to fill up as I could see her holding back the happy tears.

"Mine too. Its me who should be thanking you. You saved me." I told her, playing with the ring on her finger.

"We saved eachother" She said with a content smile before placing a kiss on my lips. I relished the sweet strawberry taste and the rush that spread through my body as she kissed me.


Every time I kissed Ben I felt my heart smile. His hands felt warm against mine.

The waiter came over and we placed our orders. He left with a smile.

"I cannot wait until I can call you my wife" Ben smiled proudly.

"I cant wait until I am known as Mrs Haggerty!" I said, sharing the same excited expression.

*a few hours later*


Once we had finished our meal i text Ryan asking him where they all were. He text back and we went to meet the crew at a bar along the street.

Amy walked in, trying to be discrete about the engagement. I smiled at Ryan and nodded.

"Congrats" He mouthed.

As Amy and Jackie began to talk I heard a high pitched squeal.

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Jackie shouted with excitment.

She caught the whole crew's attention and they were now congratulating us and smiling.

I pulled Amy close to my side and smiled.

"We were going to tell you later tonight. But yes, me and Amy are officially engaged" I announced proudly as they all came over to hug us both.

"You guys deserve your happy ending" Jackie said.

Anna and Tricia came over and admired Amy's ring.

Its crazy to think that about a year and a half ago I was engaged to Tricia. Wow. How times have changed. I would always be thankful for having her present in my life. Her presence really was a gift. Although it didnt end the way we both anticipated, it ended up being the best for us both.

She looked up at me,

"Congratulations Ben! Really, I am so happy for you" She said, the honesty present in her voice.

"Thanks Trish!" I said, hugging her.

After a few "Omg that ring is so beautiful" statements, Anna and Tricia returned to Owuor and Jared.

I turned to Amy, planting a kiss onto her lips and holding it there. As I did so, Ryan cheered,

"To the happy couple!"

They all raised their glasses and said,

"To Ben and Amy"

When we pulled our lips apart we smiled.

Mrs Haggerty. Yeah I could get used to calling her that.

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