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Chapter 62: Washington DC


I woke up to the buzz of my phone. It was a text from Skye again. Didn't she realise that I didn't want to speak to her?

The text read,

"There's only so long you can ignore me for babe xoxoxo"

I rolled my eyes. That was typical Skye. Calling me babe when she knew I wasn't her babe and I never would be.

A though entered my head, what if it was Skye sending the texts to Amy... What if she was still jealous? No...surely not.

The thought exited my head as quickly as it had entered.

When Amy had woken up we had packed up our things and boarded the tour bus once again, joining the rest of the crew on there. It would be weird when the tour comes to an end. Back to normal life, or wedding planning in mine and Amy's case. The worry of choosing the colour of the bouquet and the bridesmaids dresses haunted my mind. I think that was definitely more Amy's forte.

As we sat down Amy turned to me,

"This has been the best week ever. New York will always have a special place in my heart" She said with a rather large smile and a kiss.

I smiled as her lips touched mine.

The thought of Skye raced back into my head. I tried to shake it but it was no use. Was it her sending the texts? I couldn't share my theory with Amy. She would think Skye is going to come back into our lives and that is the last thing we need, especially now we are so happy again. I finally shook Skye's evil face out of my head.

"Whats the matter Ben?" I returned my eyes back to Amy, who was looking concerned.

"Huh?" I mumbled.

"You were just staring into space, whats up?" She asked.

"Nothing" I said simply, smiling and kissing her forhead. She didn't look too convinced.


It took us just under 4 hours to get to Washington DC. The whole journey Ben's mind seemed occupied. I asked him what was up but he just shrugged it off saying nothing. I knew that was a lie, but I guessed he would share in his own time.

I had been colouring with Anyango for a part of the journey. She told me that Uncle Ben said she could come on stage in the Seattle shows. She was so excited, her face lit up as she was telling me.

"And Daddy said I can play the trumpet" She said, proud of herself.

"Wow, it sounds like you're gunna be the star of the show!" I told her.

"Yep!" She said, acknowledging her power as she continued to colour in a flower.


When we arrived in DC we all went for a walk. Ryan insisted on posing for a selfie in front of the White House.

Once he had taken some selfies and told us all about how he would be president some day, we went to get a starbucks.

Me and Amy walked behind everyone and she told me about how Anyango was excited about playing the trumpet on stage. I laughed at how cute she was. Anyango was like a niece to me. In fact she was a niece to me. I had known her since the day she was born and I loved her like she was my own child.

I couldn't wait to have kids. Me and Amy had briefly talked about kids before, but only that we both wanted them at some point in our life, we didn't go into much detail. I guess we would be considering it soon though.


Ben and I talked about Anyango and how she was like family. We wanted a family some day. The thought of little Ben Jr's made me smile.

"What are you smiling at?" Ben asked, tickling me and laughing.

"Just the thought of Ben Jr's" I chuckled and so did he.

"What about Amy Jr's, I'd like Amy Jr's" He said with a wink.

I smiled as he placed his hand in mine.

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